In The News...

My most descriptive definition of trump supporters?

Gullible rubes......

Putin azz kissers.......

A very poignant article about how "the news" is used as part of warfare, mostly to steer opinion:

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Sickening. They had to have known that this was a lethal amount to someone that might weigh around 40lbs or so.
First degree murder charges sound right.
Those two will never know freedom again. I hope prison is horrible for them.
Louisiana has a death penalty, but doesn’t use it much these days. There’s a worthy pair, but I doubt they’ll get it.

That poor kid.
This could go in the Joke/Funny Pic thread, but it is related to news and the NYT, so:

I guess their tapes of McCarthy melting down about trump's involvement in the Jan 6th riot's fake news?

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I'd probably get a new truck :^D

I have no idea what I'd do with that kind of money. Those are big numbers.
Lotsa lawmakers looking a buncha gullible orange stained crooks........

Are coup deta's the latest GOP craze......
