gf beranek
Old Schooler
What's the big deal about having coffee at a cafe?
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
They were furious that the USA was separating kids from parents at the border. They are also calling to have kids separated from Canadian protesters.
These are desperate times for the people. Worldwide. Governments have gone mad.
Remember that Trump really only had one year where he was able to do anything. Ryan the RINO ran the House for 2 years and refused to advance a single one of Trump's initiatives. Thenb Covid pretty much dominated the last year. Not to mention the 5+ years of the entirely fake "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" crap engineered by Hillary's campaign that crippled his entire term.Much as some of you despise him for his mean tweets and hurting your feelings, Trump tried to get the government back on track by cleaning out the swamp. No one, including him, had any idea how deep and wide that swamp was. We're seeing it now. Of course, some are still in denial and think he was just a lying, misogynist, racist, etc. , etc., etc...
Any other politician would've folded under all the pressure (fake news and propaganda) the dems were laying on Trump.
But that didn't phased Trump one bit. Water off a ducks back. Through it all Trump called BS as he saw it, and kept on running the office of the presidency in the meantime.
I had to rethink my opinion of ol' Donald Trump. Ass hole as he is, as a politician he has far more swagger than any that point the finger at him.
A bit of clarification from the Canadian overlords as to who is in their crosshairs at the moment:
RCMP, banks and Ottawa say convoy protest donors won’t have accounts frozen after viral tweet said otherwise
B.C. MP Mark Strahl made the unsubstantiated claim Sunday night that a constituent had their bank account frozen for a $50 protest
It isnt very reassuring, imo
I feel for you guys.
What can I do to help?