In The News...

The detainees at the prison in Iraq were always getting stung on the hands and fingers. They’d catch scorpions and have them fight. Might’ve been some gambling going on, but probably just for entertainment.
I've seen quite a few scorpions here in Florida (NOT a desert region, for the geographically challenged), mostly hiding in the bark on pine trees.
He should have tossed a live rattle snake in that shoplifter's lap, or hung him, or hit him with a chain or filled his mouth with cowshit and sewed his lips shut....anything else is symphatizing with shoplifters.

Did I leave anything out, Scott?
Because you are so damned hardcore in your beliefs.
If I don't think it is cool to run a shoplifter down over some stolen meat, it is because I love shoplifters.
If I don't think Kyle whatever is a hero, it is because I love rioters , if I don't think it is cool to be so friggin' bad at your job, that youy kneel on someone's neck for 9 minutes and kill him, it is because I love drugged, criminal n-words. etc. etc. etc.
Gets friggin' tiring after a while.

There are other nuances in the World than pure black and white.
That used to happen in Bermuda until the natural predator for the crabs was reintroduced. Yellow crowned night heron.
I can remember as a kiddie the roads on south shore covered in them, and I also remember the introduction of the first juvenile herons, and when they first nested in the wild(I was an apprentice with the Conservation Dept) and now, no more massive crab migration.