In The News...

Even if you hate cnn you need to read this story, guy saves his family by rushing into a house fire, enduring some horrible burns and blindness.

Rapping has gotten to be plumb dangerous...somehow I still fail to see flags, statues and white supremacy as the issue...of course, his loss is greatly mourned by Biden voters and the liberal he is the stuff their dreams are made of...

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Funny how last year everyone who died died from Covid....yet folks dying hours/days/weeks after the vaccine is “unrelated”. If you think it coincidental, carry on. Heck, cops are offing themselves over stuff they barely lived through six months ago. Bid old coincidental ball of mud we live on.

(At least they didn’t list Hayes as a suicide...that’s a start.)
If you read the article, the author lists that this is the 5th case that followe this pattern. The second section (attached below) provides doctor testimony describing how the spike protein works it's way into the blood system over time, causing the clotting issues that lead to strokes/heart attacks. Think about it, while they do occur, how often do 33yr olds die from multiple strokes/heart attacks, and more younger folks are now having this happen after the jab? Hmmmm?

Another near-term death

Near-term deaths are an established pattern. It appears that 11 to 14 week range is the danger zone for those who receive the experimental injections. We’ve now covered at least five of these near-term deaths that all happen right in that range. It’s becoming very clear that the spike proteins slowly overtake every organ in your body and contaminate your most vital bodily fluid (blood). There’s new scientific data backing this as well.

Dr. Charles Hoffe is a general practitioner in British Columbia (Canada). You know he is credible because mainstream media accuse him of “spreading COVID-19 misinformation.” He spoke to British Columbia talk show host Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson on July 6.

Dr. Hoffe reported findings in his own patients. He concluded that most people who receive the experimental mRNA injections will die from heart failure within two years. The artificial spike proteins become part of the cellular lining (vascular endothelium) in your capillaries (tiny blood vessels). Thus your blood vessels become “spiky” instead of being naturally smooth, which ultimately leads to blood clots in everyone who receives the injections. Dr. Hoffe said the easiest way to prove this phenomenon is with a D-Dimer test.
Pretty bold claims there. That'll be trivially easy to verify, but the goalposts will be moved, and there'll be lots of handwaving. If the population crashes in two years, he'll be proven correct. Who here wants to bet me? I have $10k that says there won't be a population crash in two years. I'll even weight it against me, and say deaths won't exceed 2%. IOW, if deaths are 2.005%, you win the bet. That's 98% less than his claim. Should be a sure win, and the easiest $10k one could make.
You guys are so important they are just dying to get a chip in you....

What does this chip do anyways?'s too late...if you're vaxxed you are chipped. My cousin's daughter is a nurse...when her husband asked him why he got ill with his 2nd Pfizer shot she said that was normal...that's when the chip is attaching to the bone. Get past that and you are golden. :D