In The News...

I think that he went back and slashed people where he had been working makes what he does more relevant.
Plus that he uses sharp tools in his job gives it a ‘Friday the 13th’ vibe.

The only agenda is selling papers and clicks, nothing against tree guys.

Sure there is.

Computer coders would never do such a thing.

They are educated.
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Dunno, it would be a terrifying weapon. You don't even have to have good contact to tear someone up. That said, that's some shit journalism there. Even if you somehow don't know what a machete looks like(!), you could type the clearly marked trademark into a search engine, and it'll tell you everything you want to know about a Silky Zubat, including where you might find one if someone dropped it...
I'd have to go measure my machete...not sure about the blade length. As to "fearsome-ness"....I wager one would fare better with the Zubat with just a swing or two as opposed to a razor-sharp machete. It'd chew and tear something awful, but the machete could take a limb off....(no pun intended...) I know I've lopped off 3/4" stuff with one whack right after sharpening it. The Zubat won't do that.
My machete has a 22" blade. My old one was 24", but just a hair too long. I *highly* recommend the Ontario D handle machete. I also recommend wearing a glove on the machete hand, cause it can beat the shit out of your knuckles.