In The News...

John makes sense. Obviously the way we're doing it is not working. I have my fair share of weapons and also shoot a fair amount. Back in the late '70s I went through an extensive background check so I could purchase a Mac. It's been fun to own over the years and has not caused any problems to anyone. That background check has not kept me from purchasing other weapons over the years and I can't tell that it's been a problem.

Keeping the weapon procurement system the way it is or making it even easier is only going to get more nutcases armed and killing people.
What is this "no regulation" you speak of?

....or is my horse too high that I cant see it?
dude....I wasnt saying you are a high horse. Jeebus

what do you suggest to make it more effective at changing what we have now? taking the race part out of it. I don't give a shit what color the trigger finger is.

what practical ideas make sense? I know that every time I say something Mellow, Blacksmith and you are quick to rail on me. What ideas do yall have? Leave it the same>? longer background checks?

I can remember when the whole Y2K thing happened folks stockpiled ammo, then again with the Nostradamus thing, also every time a democrat is in office. I don't believe guns will be taken away.

do yall believe sandy hook was fake? just an aside question.
Lol you have been beyond California? Or the west coast? Just asking! Cause the rest of the country dislikes those folks. Lol

You do realize that most Northern Californians feel pretty much the same way about Southern California, right.

You know, your answer actually set me to wondering, so I printed out a map and set to counting.

Apart from 4 years in NORTHERN California and ½ of one in Idaho, I have visited 26 states.
Most of that was hitchhiking, so I have met a lot of folks.
I even hitched up to Alaska once.

Does that qualify me?
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Just No
Tighter regulations does not curb gun violence and/or crime, period. It literally does make it harder for honest law abiding citizens to own guns. The new regs they are proposing will interfere with youth shooting sports, hunting with youth among other things. $800.00 liscence to own along with all the other hurdles creates wage class disperity. Might as well be a Jim Crow law. Just because more regulation is ok with "you" or does not effect "you", does not mean it wont effect others of a 330 million populus. Read the friggen bill.
We already go through back ground checks, waiting times (in most states), cant be criminals etc. Criminals or those that will commit criminal acts do not give a flying f*ck about gun laws you think might just work.
If you want a fix, how about we start fixing a system already in place that fails miserably.
We have back ground checks in this state for ammo. Has not lowered crime btw. And our AG that just started working under Biden (Bacerra) literally has squashed the stats so they cant be studied by the institition that is supposed to be collating them. So much so the supreme court is involved. Guess what, people that should have been able to buy ammo couldnt with out submitting more forms while criminals did and went unpunished, got away with it.
Government really never streamlines any process and makes it more expensive.
Just like we have a conspiracy theorist thread, maybe we should have one for gun worshippers.
Then y'all could stroke each other and the rest of us could just get on with life.
thats what Im saying. They just go do a straw sale or something. We all know criminals are gonna do it.

Im talking about when some one is unhinged and is able to buy shit legal. Guns shows, straw sales etc.
How one purchases the weapon is irrelevant if the intent is to commit murder. Murder is illegal even if the weapon is legally purchased. Fas as that goes, illegal purchases, while likely costing more, are likely quicker and less cumbersome than legal purchases. So all the new regs do is create more hurdles for a law-abiding citizen to hop through. you want to make a difference or just be seen trying to make a difference?

I guess the answer is to have a political appointee decided you are a nutter....with out any legal process or recourse.

I mean really.

I knew a cop who said he was going to kill himself.

The next available shrink could see him in......6 months.

How the fugg is that gonna work?
I’m not sure what you’re asking for, so far as a “suggestion”. Just saying implementation of MORE gun laws won’t help the issue. Regarding the current “tragedy” (the Boulder shooting), as the perp was near 100% certainly Muslim, I think that should be played upon. I’m not sure what (or how many) screw(s) are loose or missing to make one so what they do, but if we started making examples of them it would go a long way to help, IMO. They want infamy and recognition. Give it to spades.
The current zenith of Govt health care....the loosing hundreds of vets a year.

Far more than the number of random nutters or their victims.

How do you stop the random nutter?

How do you stop the mother from driving drunk and killing her kids in a rollover?

Maybe we should work harder to prevent nutters?

I dont know.
people come to ER all the time with suicide ideation. They get help. Not sure how the 6mo thing applies

I agree Jim, mental health access sucks for most though.

would a longer waiting period to buy make things different? don't know. What's the harm though. Most law-abiding citizens who want guns already have them. If they want another, great. What's the rush? You already have something to defend yourself with.

not sure about the ghost gun stuff. Seems like antiques are really the problem anyway

bump stocks are a gimmick right? Why have an AR pistol? specialty triggers? It like a constant legal battle to define what's legal.
There isn't now...nor will there adequate psychiatric capacity in this country.

Especially in emergencies.

Sure...I am certified as a suicide prevention dude....but if I wanted help because I was going to kill myself....I would be the last person I would want to talk to.

We need more professionals.

I just disagree that increasing wait times would be effective.

Or effective enough.

Children are impulsive. Adults usually are not...or not as impulsive.

Speaking of kill themselves on a whim more or less.

Adults usually contemplate it for years.