I can well understand the Okinawa residents being very tired of the US military presence. The activities are a big disturbance, I certainly wouldn't like to live in close proximity to an air base. There has been a number of incidents where military members have gotten into trouble with the law, some rapes and murders. In a low crime rate country that hasn't helped things and really fires people up.
On the other hand, with China's growing military might and territorial activities, along with North Korean threats and trouble making, Japan definitely needs the strong US presence at the current time, imo. Okinawans have become so agitated by the long term foreign military on their soil, that come hell or high water, they just want them out. Some different solutions are on the drawing board, like a new offshore airbase, but they seem to not be without their potential problems as well. It's a difficult situation, but steps do need to be taken to somehow improve things.
Japan could increase it's own military abilities and by small increments they are, but given the history, that upsets the neighbors. Los of people within the country are against that too, people haven't forgotten how the country was devastated by military ambitions. The greatest solution is for all the countries to get along so military might isn't a priority, but of course that can never happen.