In The News...

I like the 11,300ft shot that too 10 seconds to reach the target. That would be weird: first trying to accurately dial in such a shot, like 1000 clicks up, and no variable wind to blow the bullet around, then having to wait and wait 10 long seconds to see the guy finally fall over.
I like the 11,300ft shot that too 10 seconds to reach the target. That would be weird: first trying to accurately dial in such a shot, like 1000 clicks up, and no variable wind to blow the bullet around, then having to wait and wait 10 long seconds to see the guy finally fall over.
The bullet velocity is closer to 3000ft/sec , my .22 is faster than 1130ft/sec :D
I think his “10 seconds” was an estimate. Muzzle velocity is just that. Velocity AT THE MUZZLE. It begins to fall off instantly. 11,300 ft would be 2.14 miles. Flight time would easily be in the 8-second range. Flight time at 1800 yards (just over a mile) is ~2.8 seconds, and it’s all downhill from there.
I saw that. As a grandfather with five grandkids, six and under, I’d send him on to hell in a heartbeat. No regrets. And I don’t apologize if it offends this time.
Scott i think the difference is that one guy saying something isn't a big deal, but it's a whole different deal when someone is saying completely made up stuff with millions listening. Going with the whole you are free to do anything until it starts harming others, saying stuff that's a lie and hurts others is illegal, as Rudy and Powell are also about to learn, with 1.3 billion dollar lawsuits each and a ton of proof to back it up.
Publicly called the grieving parents actors...denying their children died...basically making their lives more of a living hell than they were from losing their children. It's called slander...

He’s not the only one who thinks it was a hoax.

Somebody did some things etc.
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Main street not happy. See if congress actually moves on it and starts spanking.

Here in CA, it just keeps getting better and better.
Judging from the last several years, insider trading seems to be a regular benefit of being in Congress...
I don't recognize the peace prize. The science and literature prizes are fine, but afaic, the peace prize doesn't exist.