In The News...

If it was my son I'd take Van Halen to court for giving him adult ideas. Poor Waldo...

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Great focking tune!!

Eddie would put his back to the audience to keep his hammering techniques secret...
Get a load of this guy! Yeah, it pays to stay vigilant with kids when out in public.

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Yeah, that's what I meant, Bob. They went to lengths to put forth a notion that was the opposite from how it is.

Horrible bike accident. Wow, frames sheared in two. :(


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50 killed/53 injured, many in ICU. 1 Officer injured, helmet saved him.

Born in New York, US Citizen; Parents from Afghanistan. Licensed security guard.

Drove 125 miles to hit that particular nightclub. Timed attack for when it was about to close. Approximately 320 people inside.

Engaged by off duty officer when it started, no word on that officer.

3 hours between the attack and SWAT going in due to, it was thought, suicide vest/explosives.

Was investigated twice by the FBI with regards to possible islamist ties; nothing actionable at the time (2013/2014).

Pledged support to ISIS prior to attack. Bragged about ties to islamist groups on social media.