In The News...

Local fallout from the PG&E difficulties...Our local electric power provider has sent their contract clearance crews out with stiff marching orders. We have three mature Douglas firs under the transmission ROW...topped when we bought the property near 40 years ago now. Under these new standards, Asplund took off a significant (say 6 to 8 additional feet in every direction from the primaries) increase over every clearance prune over those previous 40 years.

I made a call, asked some questions, got very quick response, an on site visit from a multi-crew supervisor, and got this basic answer..." we don't want another Paradise".

I'm not sure these trees will survive it.
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Well Ive never seen eagles sound asleep, till now. So cool.
It's designed to bankrupt the small guys or to put them in a position for takeover/buyout by the big corps...

Nice we get to pay for the Trump's trade policy twice...higher costs and further subsidizing some more rich people
my observation of the current admins' normal mode of operation...suck the peasants dry...

We pay more for additional taxes on goods...then pay to give welfare to the big producers, plus pay more in interest on any money borrowed by govt to offset shortfall in payouts.
I was watching this was moving a bit early on but finally stopped. The remaining chick is looking good. I saw the mama bring a fresh catfish to the nest...she took off flying and was back within two minutes. Then she pierced it with her talons to stabilize it while she tore pieces off and fed them to the chick...a pretty big chick at this point.
You're probably right jim...its just an unfortunate byproduct maybe.

I'm guessing the real disaster for most small/family farms would be if land prices plummeted again. Isn't that the main security used for most loans in that business?
Dang about the eaglet. Uh I wonder what mama will do with the body?