In The News...

I rarely watch tv Kevin let alone catch any news on the tube, avoid google like the plague and sites like the guardian.
Has to be a Trump supporter, otherwise he would have never been caught. Fake Florida man makes fake “bombs”. Fake news at eleven. Wonder if his social media chit has been scrubbed yet..?
Hard telling. You could be right, but not everything is a conspiracy...Seems a bit far fetched to take such a risk with one's freedom for a propaganda stunt. Guess we'll see what the right-controlled justice system comes up with...
It almost appears like he wanted to be caught. The timing sure is right. His tweeter account has some interesting followers.
What is it with this trend to completely dismiss all evidence just because it does not fit a certain narrative?

I don't hide the fact I don't like Trump in general, but when issues like illegal immigration, or economic migration come up, I find I have some range of agreement with him, I don't just toss it out as 'fake' or an 'opposition stunt'. What happened to reflection, introspection, evaluation...???
Yes, it is uncomfortable to admit agreement in a limited way with someone I find unpalatable, but when reality stares you in the face, it's time to take a 'suck it up' pill.

Do people seriously think that mail bomber guy is just a stunt man for the Democrats because there is an election coming???

Who remembers Trump saying ...I could walk down fifth avenue, pull out a gun and shoot someone, and I wouldn't lose one vote from my base...or words to that effect...
How can anyone deny that this sort of stuff would influence a certain kind of mentality to do shit like put bombs in the mail to his detractors?

I have some suck it up pills to hand out.
It would be nice actually to be able to (as the Sinclair broadcasting advises) be able to disregard all news that doesn't fit the narrative as fake and then be able to just invent an alternative reality. im actually kind of jealous.
Because you are so objective Kevin???

Dont get a crick in your neck.

Advertising, propaganda, and campaigns are very expensive because they are very effective.

No one is immune, just predisposed to be vulnerable to certain sides of the coin.

I am sick of it.

Yes, Fiona.

More often than not, I believe the conspiracy.

Its a fugging circus, American Politics. Stranger than fiction.