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I can't think going barefoot outside, so, running ???:O
It seems that every little bit of wood, and every thorns of the land wait patiently to pin your feet.:angryfire:
A bare area to traverse? then it's the small little gravel just a tad bigger or (and) acuter than the others... ouch !:angry5:
See this big stone, boulder, pavement, it would be smooth to walk on it... but no, because the previous evil gravel :redhotevil:stayed stuck under your heel and... OUCH!!!!:cuss:

That resumes pretty well my rare experiments in bare-footing.
Here you go.


I had some Fila skelatoes that were similar. Wasn't very fond of them.
You say YOU like them bare footed.

What do they like?

They hate shoes it seems. My wife was raised with shoes on though. she has a hard time of it. She yells at them to put on their shoes and then there is me shoeless undermining her authority. I have no issue when they kick their shoes off and run around. Ill take them on walks and let them forget their shoes. My wife is not a fan of that. She thinks its neglect or something. she is always like "there is broken glass!" When your barefoot, you learn real quick what broken glass and goatheads look like and you just don't step on them. That's my philosophy. The second I get off work the boots come off. When I was a kid in the summer the soles of my feet were like rawhide. I still have the technique but my calluses are softer from too much civilization. Doctor says my arches are awesome, but I feel like my feet don't fit into any shoe very well because they are broader and just used to being barefoot. Nobody else in my family is that way but I just always loved the feel of the ground beneath my feet and hated the way shoes made me feel heavy and clumsy.
Cool barefoot sentiments, Kevin. If you ever need broader shoes, Altra makes running shoes etc like that, my son has some trail runners, loves em.

Denver, cool shoes. I tried vibrams but prefer plain barefoot more. I do have a pair of mimalist sandals from Unshoes but literally never wear them cuz if I could wear them in a certain setting I'd rather be barefoot. But that was until last week when I had some appts to do in pouring rain, it was too warm out for boots of some kind so I put on the sandals, they worked perfectly as "shoes" and my feet were comfortable being soaked but without 'real' waterlogged shoes on.
A+ to whoever mentioned stepping on toys being more manly than a nature hike without shoes. I have been majorly wounded by child's toys. Got a six month limp by jumping up in the night and stepping on an upside down top. You know, the things that spin really well on a hard pointy end. I am suddenly reminded of SCUBA Steve.
As far as shoes go, I love them. I always loved them as a kid too. It just made sense to me to have armor between my feet and the ground. I wear other safety protection at work as well.
Never did like condoms though which is strange. . .
Anyway, my younger brother was one who never wore shoes. He was mean and ignorant. I remember him chasing me through the woods one time to kill me. I could literally feel his hot breath on my neck he was so close. Although terrified, the reflective, information gathering portion of my brain was super impressed that he was crashing through the woods and sharp sticks and sticker bushes barefoot.

That was an amazing post :drink:

I will say going barefoot makes you appreciate the protective aspect of shoes even more.

What does your mean and ignorant brother do these days?
Running barefoot makes you run completely different, entirely new mechanics of how your feet and muscles operate.

Think of an Indian running in moccasins.
Ive spent hours reading about that. What a crazy time. A colossal blunder that the world continues to pay for. This Myanmar event is interesting in that it is happening right now.
It was a comment to Kevin's post.
It irritates me when people bring up Germany and the jews as example, because it tends to diminish the holocaust.

OH, look....this is just like Germany and the jews.

So far Myanmar hasn't interned, gassed or cremated a single Rohingya.

A better example would have been the Russian/general Eastern European Pogroms that went on every once in a while since the middle ages.
Your right Stig. I think though that it is similar in that the rohinya are a nationless people like the Jews. It does appear to be a policy of annihilation. The effort against the Jews did not start out as gassing and cremation. It started by isolating them in ghettos, shutting down their businesses. And simply making them feel unwelcome as Jim said. Things can escalate quickly. Another difference might be that there are only several hundred thousand rohingya there while there were millions of Jews in Germany and Poland . so the scale might be different. Ethnic cleansing is ethnic cleansing.