Totally disagree. History is in the process constantly of being rewritten. What ever our schools teach vs reality is a constant through our history. Native American history, black history, Chinese history, Irish history............... Pretty much American history. Unless you really do your own research, you will never know all the details. IF the South had won, yes history would be different. But what difference does that make unless you are in an alternate universe. Your reference there is a moot point. Want to make an Emancipation Park? Build one. Cities need more trees. Don't like a statue? Bummer. Hate the parks name? Bummer. There are plenty of people that have heritage related to it and memories as well. Why should they be trod upon. How politically correct is that?
I hate the memorial they placed in our arts park for the 911. I respect that it means something to most people. I respect that it is important to history. As art, I find it an eye sore. But, I can respect it being there. I just don't picnic or listen to music while staring at it. Being art, I guess it accomplished it's goal. It made me feel something. Bleagh.
But it re minds me of lives lost and a place in our history. It gives homage to a past place and people. Sacrifice.
Guess what, a lot of folks were sacrificed in the civil war too. Some good things came of it, some horrible. Best remember both.
2. You are not being tolerant of the other side and already are anticipating WHAT they will be protesting, HOW they will be protesting, and an end result. SO I guess by that standard, Black Lives Matter should have been denied as well.......
Digest that for a minute. How tolerant is political correctness.
Oh, they used Tiki Torches instead of candles... Crap, they gonna burn us down LAWDY!!!!!
BTW, I don't subscribe or tolerate racism well. I am not a white supremacist. But ya know what, I would have been there to protest the park and statue issue like a lot of other folks did that are not either. They just want their heritage left in place. This is America, and I believe it is within their right to do so.
Peacefully though granted. But, what started out as peaceful, can often turn ugly, given the right circumstances.
The local Government set it up the climate, and the media was happy to show you how awful scary it was.
Stay tuned.