In The News...

One of the overall sickest things Ive ever seen, but I've lived a somewhat sheltered life.
How so, Stephen? By removing the statue?

The violent images were a bit disturbing, crazy people are looking for a fight, showing up with homemade shields and weapons, crazy shit!
This was a stage set by first renaming a park and planning to remove the statue. The Park went from the Robert E Lee, to Emancipation.
Of course the confederate flag is no longer accepted in places as well.
The squeaky politically correct wheel is turning, people claim offence, and history changes or is removed.
Now, the local governments granted Black Lives Matter and other more "progressive, liberal, democratic, etc" groups permits to protest the statue and park name and other events. prior to this. That was all fine and good. Then these folks were granted permit, then permit about revoked and altered, then a judge ordered a stay on the permit. They then granted the opposition their permits again for this rally.
So.... the stage is set. OHHHHHHH THE OUT RAGE!
Bull shit. Government induced shit storm.
Leave history alone, grow some friggin' skin, let freedom reign.
Interesting outlook. A couple of counterpoints-

1- I don't get the impression that anyone is trying to rewrite history, PC isn't all that bad in my opinion but can and is definitely be taken too far. To me it seems similar to having a statue of King George in Central Park. I wonder, if the south had won, do you think there would be statues of Lincoln in Georgia? Just curious.

2- I can understand the favoring of protest permits, the white nationalists inherently have a message of intolerance and possibly violence as well. Which, one could assume, may lead to violence in the streets, like what happened.
The whole "Rebel" thing of the south seem a bit far fetched to me.
Shit, it has been a century plus since they lost the war.
'Bout time to get over it.
Otherwise they'll end up like "our poooooooor Palestinian brothers" who can't get over the fact thart they lost a war nearly 70 years ago.
Totally disagree. History is in the process constantly of being rewritten. What ever our schools teach vs reality is a constant through our history. Native American history, black history, Chinese history, Irish history............... Pretty much American history. Unless you really do your own research, you will never know all the details. IF the South had won, yes history would be different. But what difference does that make unless you are in an alternate universe. Your reference there is a moot point. Want to make an Emancipation Park? Build one. Cities need more trees. Don't like a statue? Bummer. Hate the parks name? Bummer. There are plenty of people that have heritage related to it and memories as well. Why should they be trod upon. How politically correct is that?
I hate the memorial they placed in our arts park for the 911. I respect that it means something to most people. I respect that it is important to history. As art, I find it an eye sore. But, I can respect it being there. I just don't picnic or listen to music while staring at it. Being art, I guess it accomplished it's goal. It made me feel something. Bleagh.
But it re minds me of lives lost and a place in our history. It gives homage to a past place and people. Sacrifice.
Guess what, a lot of folks were sacrificed in the civil war too. Some good things came of it, some horrible. Best remember both.
2. You are not being tolerant of the other side and already are anticipating WHAT they will be protesting, HOW they will be protesting, and an end result. SO I guess by that standard, Black Lives Matter should have been denied as well.......

Digest that for a minute. How tolerant is political correctness.
Oh, they used Tiki Torches instead of candles... Crap, they gonna burn us down LAWDY!!!!!

BTW, I don't subscribe or tolerate racism well. I am not a white supremacist. But ya know what, I would have been there to protest the park and statue issue like a lot of other folks did that are not either. They just want their heritage left in place. This is America, and I believe it is within their right to do so.
Peacefully though granted. But, what started out as peaceful, can often turn ugly, given the right circumstances.
The local Government set it up the climate, and the media was happy to show you how awful scary it was.
Stay tuned.
Jeez, Stephen. You sure read a lot more into my post than I thought I put into it.
You should know me well enough by now to know that PC is one thing I am not.

What is a tiki torch?
I came across that word, Tiki recently, but couldn't find anything about it.
OK, I went back and reread the article.
Misunderstood it first time.

Of course there is no reason to remove historical statues and such.
History is what it is.
Messing with it like that is just ridiculous.

That is simply taking political correctness to a level that I thought only the Swedes were able of ( They are recently rewriting Astrid Lindgren's Pippi books, because Pippi's father was a "king of the negroes" ( negerkonge).
That is of course insulting and non PC, so now he is instead a south island king.

Fell better every body?

I was thinking of those unemployed assholes in the South who drive around with confederate flags on their cars, thinking it makes them somehow special.
Wake up kids, you live in the 21 century.

Are we on the same ( as far as a Californian and an America hating Euro pinko can ever be:lol:) wave length now.
Wanting to rewrite history is a Taliban and ISIS thing. After world heritage pleading with the Taliban to better think about it, they still had to go blow up the ancient Buddha statues dedicatedly carved out of cliff faces. What kind of total idiots goes and does something like that?
Read up on what motivates IS and you'll se why.

Total idiots, Indeed!
Jeez, Stephen. You sure read a lot more into my post than I thought I put into it.
You should know me well enough by now to know that PC is one thing I am not.

What is a tiki torch?
I came across that word, Tiki recently, but couldn't find anything about it.

Most of my response was to Levi and not to you Stig. You sir, I know better and have an idea of your opinion (a lot like my own often) and how you can understand things once grasped. And I also understand your sarcasm most the time when you are being as such. You are a factual man that often does not tie emotion into your opinions.
Its a trip to me how on one hand when presented with grievances from the black community over historical oppression these people are like. "That's in the past time to forget about it...move on" . but then the statues come down in an attempt to forget about it and move on and everyone goes berserk.

I for one think statues and monuments should stay. More should be added to the plaques to put it into context.

There is a plaque at the historic Fort Wayne here in Michigan and its like. "Here is the place where John so and so and Edgar this and that and lieutenant Herman such and such the third met on the fifth day of August 1806 and signed the peace treaty of Fort Wayne with various Indian leaders"

Its so obvious that the names of these Indian leaders were not important than and they are not important now. Forgotten and maybe never even learned in the first place. So add context but don't tear them down.

It also trips me out that the guys will fly the rebel flag and call themselves patriots at the same time. I don't quite get how that works. You can be a rebel or a patriot but not both as far as I can tell.
It also trips me out that the guys will fly the rebel flag and call themselves patriots at the same time. I don't quite get how that works. You can be a rebel or a patriot but not both as far as I can tell.

Its all about what each person's definition of what USA means to them. Same country. Many different interpretations and outlooks.

Interesting point about the nameless Indian leaders.
LOL @ the Rebel Flag

Nowadays, it just means you're from the South and probably a redneck.

Big whoop.
it seems like the people that have done best after experiencing historical oppression, are the ones that have tried their best to forget about it. There may well be legitimate gripes, but history can weight you down. Join the crowd moving on up if you want to.
Its still a rebel flag. I don't personally care what flag you fly but rebel is opposite of Patriot. I'm cool with that but you can't fly them both it seems to me or you have no clue of your heritage.
Its a trip to me how on one hand when presented with grievances from the black community over historical oppression these people are like. "That's in the past time to forget about it...move on" . but then the statues come down in an attempt to forget about it and move on and everyone goes berserk.

I for one think statues and monuments should stay. More should be added to the plaques to put it into context.

There is a plaque at the historic Fort Wayne here in Michigan and its like. "Here is the place where John so and so and Edgar this and that and lieutenant Herman such and such the third met on the fifth day of August 1806 and signed the peace treaty of Fort Wayne with various Indian leaders"

Its so obvious that the names of these Indian leaders were not important than and they are not important now. Forgotten and maybe never even learned in the first place. So add context but don't tear them down.

It also trips me out that the guys will fly the rebel flag and call themselves patriots at the same time. I don't quite get how that works. You can be a rebel or a patriot but not both as far as I can tell.

America, where the rebels are patriots. Remember, it is how it started ;)

And people often mistake the civil war all about slavery and the black slaves. It started as an economic war between the money in the North and the cotton growers in the South. The war platform of the administration of the time just tied human rights to it. The right of all men created equal. But the bottom line was over taxation of the cotton industry and more. Railroad barons were involved as well. More factors to it than what you might learn in Common Core these days.