In The News...

We are at about 200 % of snow pack here Roger. I have not looked up the inches as yet. But even our local skiing has been closed as they were overwhelmed and we had a lot of road closures that would have prevented you even getting there.
Probably so. I don't think the airline industry gives a second thought to sketchy pilots anymore, or ones that show up to fly after having a few drinks. Payout compensation to passenger families can run into big numbers.
Ha, progress indeed.

"Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact, plans to protect man." -Stewart Udall, former Sec of Interior USA
I don't see how you can complain about things like pipelines, without first blaming the consideration for their need on people's excess uses of fossil fuels or other energy resources. Emphasis on excess.
I want it now! Not later. Just for instance: a 600 horsepower family vehicle to go to the store to get ice-cream. Who knows when I will ever need all the useless horsepower? Oh, but I'll have it blow every slow-poke off the road, if and whenever I want. By God, it is my guaranteed constitutional right to have anything and everything I want, in excess, if and whenever I want it. Me me me! Get out of my way!

Lord! What a state of excess modern mankind has reached.

On the flip side there's primitive cultures that live in harmony with nature without any need for anymore. Is their any middle ground?
Here, I regularly see engines kept running while people are shopping or at the post office. God forbid someone should have to get into a somewhat cooled off or heated up car after their chores. Some neighbors must have their car engines running for twenty minutes in the winter before going to work, the same ones that drive a half block to dispose a bag of trash at the station that almost everyone else walks to with their refuse in defined sized bags that can seldom be too heavy to carry. It gets me, the people that won't lift a finger to minutely help preserve what is an immensely valuable common need for all. Dense beyond the ability to understand. :(
"Dense beyond the ability to understand."

A guy I knew once was complaining about his neighbors not speaking to him, guess it had nothing to do with him leaving his V8 with extractors idling under their bedroom window at 5.30am for twenty minutes every morning while he had a shower. Then a big half mile trip to work.
I grew up before the issues of energy became what they are today. Gas was 25 cents a gal and diesel was 18 cents and it appeared that was the way it was going to be forever. Ha! Use as much as you want! It was cheap!
I remember buying a pack of smokes for a quarter. It jumped to 35, then 50... we were all complaining!
I remember when a 12 pack of Schimtts was 5 bucks. Then it went to 6 bucks and we boycotted animal beer.

I give the guys around here shit about their Dodge diesel pickups. They leave them idle all year round.

I ask them if they are so shitty that they will only start once a day.
I remember Boones Farm Strawberry Hill for 75 cents, and buying it at the 7-11 when I was 16.