How's the splice today?

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Yeah that cover and core wasn't kept in balance as it was being run home. In another rope id squeeze it and pull the core out to rebalance it. But if you made this thing right, there's no way in hell the core will balance back out.

It's an ok looking splice. But I'd chop it off and put it on display and chalk it up as a lesson learned.

It's all about tension. At some point you buried a little without keeping tension pulling on the eye. When you do that, the core gets pulled in a little faster than the cover does because some of the core tail gets pulled further down.

I'm not sure if I can explain it...because it's midnight but...

In a looser rope, when the eye bunches, you can pinch down on the cover and pull the core out further to restore the cover/core balance in the eye.

In kernmaster, you wouldn't be able to do this by hand. But I wouldn't be surprised if you hooked this to a truck and put a crazy load on it if that would allow the core to slip back into the proper position, once again creating peace throughout the kingdom. ☺️

It's all about tension. At some point you buried a little without keeping tension pulling on the eye. When you do that, the core gets pulled in a little faster than the cover does because some of the core tail gets pulled further down.

I'm not sure if I can explain it...because it's midnight but...

In a looser rope, when the eye bunches, you can pinch down on the cover and pull the core out further to restore the cover/core balance in the eye.

In kernmaster, you wouldn't be able to do this by hand. But I wouldn't be surprised if you hooked this to a truck and put a crazy load on it if that would allow the core to slip back into the proper position, once again creating peace throughout the kingdom. ☺️


If saddling up and hanging doesn't equalize I've used my electric chainfall.

Please forgive my lack of experience/'re saying do this "after" the splice is completed? :?:|:
well, before whipping is done. If the cover is baggy over the core I'll put the knotted end up in my hanging point and load up the eye, if plain body weight doesn't take the baggy out, then I'll do a few bounces, even run a loose prusik down the bury while I'm hanging. The tail of the bury should slip by the original core, and tighten up the cover on the eye..... should..... ;)
well, before whipping is done. If the cover is baggy over the core I'll put the knotted end up in my hanging point and load up the eye, if plain body weight doesn't take the baggy out, then I'll do a few bounces, even run a loose prusik down the bury while I'm hanging. The tail of the bury should slip by the original core, and tighten up the cover on the eye..... should..... ;)

OK, I'll give it a go..... :thumbup::D
All Gear Cherry Bomb eye splice, HELP 911

Good Evening Guys, I'm really sorry for barging in on a personal thread, but I have an issue that I'm hoping I can find someone to assist me with a rope splice that I've never tried before. First off, I've only found 2 ropes that I'm unable to splice, one being Lava, & the other is a 24 strand that's too tight to get an awl to split the sheath. Now comes the dilemma at hand, I purchased a bag of rope from tree, in it there were 2 hanks of All Gear 11.7mm Cherry Bomb. I've never attempted to splice this type of rope before and I'm looking for someone that has spliced a tight eye in it, or anyone seen a video on how to splice this particular rope. I have to say, I love the feel and texture of the rope, I just don't want to waste several feet trying to splice something I've never tried before. Again, I'll do my best to get the proper protocol in the future, I've been looking for 3 days now, on how to splice this stuff, and I'm at my wits edge. Thanks in advance for any assistance someone can offer me. Respectfully; Dave6390 in WI.
Cherry bomb is not bad to splice, but do yourself a favour and splice a larger eye first time. Easier IMHO. I have a pic of a cherry bomb I did in a few pages back.
Thanks Peter!

Cherry bomb is not bad to splice, but do yourself a favour and splice a larger eye first time. Easier IMHO. I have a pic of a cherry bomb I did in a few pages back.

what do I do about the core strands in the center of the rope?
Are they suppose to feed down the center of the tail?
I followed NE tachyon splice, I think allgear took down their instructions, atlantic braids made the cherry bomb, don't think they have splicing instructions on their page.
Thanks Peter, I'll keep everyone apprised of my progress, I'll do my best to take pics of my progression! Thanks again for your help.

Respectfully; Dave6390
Whud up neighbor! Dave 6390, I just followed Samson's instructions for double braid and cut out the purple core in the eye as per TreeStuff's advice.
If you ever head over this way give me a shout.
Oh! What a Night!

I followed NE tachyon splice, I think allgear took down their instructions, atlantic braids made the cherry bomb, don't think they have splicing instructions on their page.

hey Peter, I took your advice and treated the Cherry Bomb like any other double braid and I left the core strands intact, Thank Goodness for Selma fids, I'm not a huge fan of Samson fids unless I'm working with ropes larger than 1/2", I started tinkering around with the splice at midnight and by 12:30 I had the core out and ran back down the throat of the eye, and tapered the tail, I went all balls out and went with a 3" eye, No Guts, No Glory! I'll finish it up after I take a few pics, I'm still in the shock & awe stage of this forum. I wish I would have known about it several years ago when I was doing 5 to 8 splices a day!

Thanks for all your wisdom!
Thanks, but I think the instructions call for the core to be cut and tapered at a certain point with the NE tachyon instructions.... on the brighter side if you got it run home and not baggy, good job on you! No harm no foul.

This is a great site, lots of great people. I found it for this very reason, splicing.

Ultimately if there are no pics it didn't ;)
All Gear instructions are out there on the internet if you search for them. They say to taper the inner core.
Okay fellow Splicers, hopefully I can figure out how to post pics to my post, but I just finished my 1st Cherry Bomb splice, and I was told & read that the core strands should be cut out, that sort of bothered me, I'm a, They put it there for a reason kinda guy! Now if I could figure out how to upload the pics for everyone to see, I'd be batting 1000!!! Now that I haven't been able to upload my pics, I've done 3 more tight eye splices and finished up a retrievable friction saver with a DMM fixe pulley on each end and an adjustable thimble prussik that floats from end to end, out of 12.7mm Imori. It really looks beautiful. Now how the heck do I upload pics to my posts? Anybody have the time to explain the simplicity of this task?
Thanks everyone! I hope everyone is having a good evening.