gf beranek
Old Schooler
I took the grave digger and his buddy to the Goose Ridge tree a couple of weeks ago, just for a look see, and sure enough it worked out to a climb to the top.
It's a pretty easy tree to climb. Big strong limbs and easy shots to set your lines ahead. I stayed on the ground to take pics this time around.
The first time I climbed the tree was in 1976 with a fellow named Tom Alger from Willets. At that time the oak and fir trees on the ridge were only about 40 feet tall, if that, and you could see this tree much better from a distance. Pretty soon it will be impossible to get a shot of anybody at the top from the ground.
It's a pretty easy tree to climb. Big strong limbs and easy shots to set your lines ahead. I stayed on the ground to take pics this time around.
The first time I climbed the tree was in 1976 with a fellow named Tom Alger from Willets. At that time the oak and fir trees on the ridge were only about 40 feet tall, if that, and you could see this tree much better from a distance. Pretty soon it will be impossible to get a shot of anybody at the top from the ground.