Gear Obsession

Gear is good, but knowing how to get by with just the basics is essential to build a solid foundation.
That said when I was learning to climb we went from the 'one rope, tie your friction hitch with the tail' to split tail blakes, loop runners for extra foot and hand holds, lanyards with distel hitches and tending pulleys in one day.
I have had occasion to need to tie a second system with the tail of my rope when I didn't have a spare friction cord up with me, also have had occasion to just use natural crotch rigging when an extra job came up when we were already on site but didn't bring all the pulleys and stuff.

Knowing the new gear, how to use it and having it makes for a good day, but also knowing how to get yourself out of a scrape minimalist is an essential foundation to build upon.
Whether it be with the basics or with all the bling, above all, climbing skills, and our survival aloft, depends on safely. It all starts with good teaching and learning.
A serious answer- thread ideas that interest more folks and encourage more posting?
Members come and go on these internet forums. For me, the House has long had great members, some more than less, to keep me coming back to see what's going on here. Great place! Thanks, Butch!
Since I've been looking at this site (around 5 yrs) I've seen many come and go, but there remains a core group of great members. :thumbup:
I have this theory of govt promoting, aiding and abetting micro independence, as a national aspiration.

Declaration of Independence narrowed down to state, county city and household.

That'll cause trouble n make good theatre!

Thomas Paine in the 21st century!

I seen him posting on the UK forum when I checked that out a few times.