Leon, ol' Dent would rip ya a new one

When you form up a face cut that is unlevel, as the one in your avatar appears to be, you have set up two opposing forces.
First, you have directed the tree in a different direction than that to which the tree is gunned...in the case of the avatar tree the actual fall will begin to be to the right of the gunned fall. This is because the folding of the hinge takes the tree off line from the gunning sights, which point in the same direction whether the saw bar is horizontal or tipped up or down some.
Second, the higher side of the face closes before the lower side, breaking loose the hinge on the right side of the avatar tree before the left side. As with a dutchman, the tree will swing toward the held side of the hinge...to the left side of the avatar tree.
In the end, no one knows which force will overpower the other, or if they will balance out and the cutter ends up looking like a genius

Bottom line, control is given up and luck takes over...while we can never excercise complete control nor escape luck's whim, we should strive to hold on to principles that allow us the best shot at outcomes we desire. Make your face cut and back cut level.