I know it's been talked about before, but bear with me on this, I can be slow on the uptake. When I make a directional felling cut, I always start with the level cut first and then finish with the diagonal cut. I do this whether I'm making a traditional notch or Humboldt. The main reason I do this is because I can use the gunning sights on the saw so much easier to be precise with the direction. It also means that when the wedge is finally freed up it is under the bar, not on top of it which might cause a kickback. I worked with a guy last weekend who saw me do this and completely freaked out like I was about to kill myself. For the life of me I just can't figure out any benefit to making the diagonal cut first and finishing with the level cut, and my friend was unable to explain it so I could understand. What do you guys do and why?
Burnham and Gerry - I'm hoping you'll chime in here as you have more years of experience cutting trees down than I have dressing myself.
Burnham and Gerry - I'm hoping you'll chime in here as you have more years of experience cutting trees down than I have dressing myself.