gf beranek
Old Schooler
"When you're gunning the tree for the lay, Jer , you gun the top" Jack Brooks RIP.
Never truer words said.
Never truer words said.
"When you're gunning the tree for the lay, Jer , you gun the top" Jack Brooks RIP.
Never truer words said.
Here's a question for those of you that like to make the diagonal cut first - if you aren't in touch with the force and can't instinctively aim the tree (say you have only 10 years of experience), how do you know precisely where it's going to fall? Is it possible to be precise and make the diagonal cut first? If so, how?
Dutch man?
Y'all stop to check how your angled cut is going?:roll:
Umm if you're giving the final ok to pull, I hope you're not still working on the angled cut.
What about 'school marm'.
Except when you are subbing for some cajey O'l asshole.Dutchmen are bad. Bad Paulie.
For the life of me I just can't figure out any benefit to making the diagonal cut first and finishing with the level cut... What do you guys do and why?