Crane accident 7/29/24 North Greenbush NY

Eric H-L

Sep 28, 2016
This happened today (7/29/24) in the Albany area of NY. A&J Tree removal. According to some news reports an arborist was riding the ball and survived with no injury. Reportedly no injury to anyone. I pray these reports are accurate and everyone is Ok.
Yup, and even buried propane tanks or other randomness. Also how far away from basement walls, etc. And proper cribbing to spread the force more evenly over a larger area so the ground itself doesn't displace.
Good report for a change.
The septic tank thing is a big error on the part of the company, you HAVE to know where it is when your running loaders and trucks on the lawn.
I wonder if it was an active or abandoned tank.

Paul Cox punched through an abondoned, but not properly filled tank.
One of our cranes went through a very old drywell. No way to know it was there. Fortunately no real issues, other than having to fold up and reset.
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I did electric once. Or it might've been gas. Can't quite remember. I was starting a new job, and the super wanted a couple wireflags. I asked him why, and he said he wanted to look for utilities before the locators I got there. I all but laughed him, but gave him a couple wireflags. I actually clipped them to the length he stated(nothing exact. about | | long) since I always have pliers on me. He bent them, and asked me if I wanted to try. I'm like "LoL, sure. I'll give it a shot". Damned if the wires didn't cross when I went over the area on the plans that said whatever was underground.

I've never tried replicating it, but it's always been in my mind to give it a shot, to see if I can get repeatable results. That was also the job Lyme disease hit me. I probably didn't get it there, but the day it hit me, I barely made it through grading beams, and I had to get my partner to drive back to the office.
I've found my keys in a field with witching sticks. Dowsing is a thing.

If you focus on the leak, and not the pipe, you can find the fault in pvc plumbing. Was very helpful at the water company a great many times.
Pretty damn simple.
If there is any question about where under ground anything is, not hard to verify pretty damn close with two pieces of a coat hanger. I've posted about witching before.
I used to locate sewer taps that way at home sites for the back hoe to dig up.
Located more than a few existing septics and under ground plumbing.
L shaped. Maybe 8 - 12 " one leg. 4-5 on the other. Short leg in hand, long leg pointing straight away, both hands. Anytime you cross a line, free floating, they cross. Verify the cross a couple more times and drop a marker straight down from that. Paint marker works. Move over and do it again. Grid pattern to make sure you establish plumbing direction or.... expand to mark tank parameter. Works great where soil was once disturbed.
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4:20am.... Dog was restless so I let him out to pee. Check the House real quick, see this latest post. Crane job today , 85 ton, have to set up "near" a sump pump line, custy "thinks" she knows where the line is, says there's no septic etc. Hmmm, guess I have to grab couple of wire coat hangers....

Edit. my dowsing rods ready to go. Write a few estimates before time to go to work. :popcorn::popcorn:
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Before I left for work, I checked for the water line in my front yard. The witchy sticks did not react in any way. I guess I lack the correct aura.
Before I left for work, I checked for the water line in my front yard. The witchy sticks did not react in any way. I guess I lack the correct aura.
My two guys both tried the rods and it worked for both of them. Curious!
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I used a wire coat hanger, same difference, no?

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