If you use an aluminum carabiner then it won't chew the knives up so badly. Lots of cheap aluminum carabiners out there.
Yes, hydraulic 10,000 lb winch (Vermeer BC1800). Rope, not steel cable. Funny how me & the climber have never sent anything through the chipper... (I did toss a pair of ratty gloves through, they came out unscathed -- no more holes than they went in with!)There's 40kn aluminum carabiners out there. Or yea just tie it if your winch line is rope. It's a hydraulic winch on the chipper?
I have seen a fair share of Chipper carnage.The worst was a Vermeer 1800 that ate a Splitting maul.
We have brand new blades on the chipper now, and only those that know knots will use the winch line.
I generally agree with that sentiment, but we can re-assign people to focus on brush hauling and raking duties. Better to have more specialized (and careful) operators who know the equipment and know how to use it without risking anything. When you get out of a groove and lose your method, that's when mistakes are more likely to happen.Get rid someone who can't tie a Running bowline or who wear velcro-closure boots.
Get rid someone who can't tie a Running bowline or who wear velcro-closure boots.
My daughter is 6. I think by the time shes 7 or 8 she's going to be the paid trainer for knot-and-ropework-basics for new groundies. She can tie her shoes, and has a little song for how to make sure the girth hitch on the throw bag is secure. This weekend she will probably learn a figure-8 follow-though (re-trace) for rock climbing.