Woods walker
Great Far Side, Jim...I remember that one fondly.
I guess it would seem to me Reg that you are picking and choosing your news stories. I watch/read the news regularly and often see warnings to the public about attempted abductions or sexual predators etc etc etc. You feel there's a active intent to misinform the public? As compared to say the UK or anywhere else? A very quick perusal of my localish news shows "awoke to intruder in home", some weirdo having sex with a teen in the name of god, etc etc. I don't get the gist from my news source that there's nothing to worry about. Daily they feature outstanding wanted, still at large, warnings of breaks in or other crimes and on and on. I do agree though that there is a bleeding heart mentality towards drug addicts that I vehemently oppose. That seems prevalent everywhere, I'd as soon flood the market with deadly doses and let the problem solve itself. Even that's not working though with the cost of emergency aid. Also from my living here I'd say you are smack dab in the middle of the very worst place in the province for 'political correctness' being local to Victoria.
That mayor story is funny as hell.
Not picking and choosing mate....thats just typical of the news here. I can pick alot more of the same bullshit too if you want. Maybe youre onto something with the Victoria thing, though They are all for maintaining an image and keeping up appearances for the hundreds of thousands of cruise ship tourists who visit through spring and summer....239 ships last year alone. I realise now, 7 years on, Victoria was a mistake for me. Should have gone further up island. Somewhere a bit rougher. But my kids settled in school now and wouldnt want to be uprooted.
Burnham, I keep having the feeling that we are arguing about two different things.
As we say in Danish: " I'm asking in west and you are answering in east".
If we sat down and talked it over, instead of posting back and forth, I'm pretty sure we'd find out that we agree on most of it.
Do you have a nice porch where we can sip whisky and debate forestry when I visit next year.
After I get that drive in the Jag, of course![]()
Cool vid, Reg! Those drones are so awesome! How did you do the takeoff and landing part? Just hotfoot it over there while you were hovering it? I'd love to deadwood that thing. I bet Gary knows where the best trees are!![]()
I can honestly say, I have never seen a logging plan match the scale of devastation to a forest that mother nature can, and does.
I was recently showing my wife some old pics of Ak clear-cuts I left in my wake. She said they reminded her of the photos of the Mt. St Helen aftermath. Nuff said.Logging is NOT in place of the effects of Mother Nature, but added to it. Much like saying, don't worry about air or water pollution...look at what nature does.
Nature never had a gyre of microplastics.
Logging is NOT in place of the effects of Mother Nature, but added to it. Much like saying, don't worry about air or water pollution...look at what nature does.
Nature never had a gyre of microplastics.
Should have gone further up island. Somewhere a bit rougher.
Burnham, I thought you were a Scotch drinker?
In that case, it is Whisky.
That other spelling is reserved for the poor imitation they make in Kentucky and Tennesee.
Which has been hit with a 25% import tax in Europe as a get back to your orange president.
Come to think of it, the Irish call theirs Whiskey, too.
But they don't make much in the way of single malts.
What made you pick Victoria originally?