Nice post btw Bermy .ty. Question, can you use your climbing rope as second lanyard so when u get to the top u can use it to get down. Masterb, Merle, what are those technique with the landyard are y'all talking bout have any pics.Could you please elaborate. I must say to all thanks for all the post. Sorry if I can't get on much this weekend in Fla at in laws . (Sighs)
First picture is what I might have looked like at first, thinking it was safer and easier to be further from the tree. A minute, or an hour latter I would have been closer to the tree as this puts an amazing amount of stress and discomfort on the knees.
This is closer to the way I climb most of the time, easy on the knees, and I think is about what MB was referring to as being 'cinched up.' (The flipline is accidentally hanging low on the far side.)
This is a full wrap around the stem, do you see the extra slack in the line between the 'tree' and my body? By pinching the flipline together on either side with my hands, I can just walk this up the tree kind of 'bouncing' that slack to and fro, away from my body and closer to it, as I keep friction from catching the flipline in any one place on tree. Up X feet until I stop and take extra slack out of the line. (As the tree tapers.)
This is what I mistakenly thought MB was referring to when he said 'cinched up' earlier, clipping the flipline back on itself. I use this anytime I think there is a chance I could produce a split top or rip. (Similar to Bermy's thought, 'What is the worst possible thing that could happen here? And how can I be prepared for that?') I would be standing there comfortably using my top flipline primarily, prep everything, and just prior to the more dangerous phase unclip my top line and work with the discomfort of using this lower fliplines asymmetrical hold on the tree.
Of course I'm not saying any of this is 'right' or safe you will have to think it through for yourself. I'm just answering your question and saying this is what I have done. I'm here learning things and at the very least nuances from almost every single post. One thing that I haven't done that might be far more safe is to work toward using my climbing line clipped back on itself at some times that I would have previously used the flipline clipped on itself. I'll be interested to see what others post in answer to your question about that.