August Hunicke Videos

Your welcome August, I understand "being busy". ;)

Enjoy your time with your family, appreciate you putting up this video. :thumbup::D
I see your point. no fair though, because they hijacked me before I even knew about the forums. ; )
Thanks for the perspective, RD. So Im wondering why there are various tree work related groups, because peeps didn't like TH, TB, AS, AT etc, so they just formed their own little groups and are happier there than at the .com tree sites? Maybe they don't like a moderator, or do those groups have moderators? Or maybe they feel the groups have few to none jerky folks compared to a .com site?

Do tell, can you give an example of one of the tree work related groups?

Facebook is easier to use on mobile devices then say the Treehouse or treebuzz. A lot of the tree guys only have their smart phones, so using a simple, well known app like Facebook is much preferred to say the web browser for forums until they find out about say tapatalk. Plus, a lot of them already have fb profiles, so it's a simple step for the to gravitate towards that anyway and join up with the various groups on there.

The trick though is getting in with the right group, much like the trick used to be getting in with the right forum. Otherwise you end up with a bunch of hacks and dumb asses.

Single Rope Junkies is one great group. All about SRT and various techniques involved with it. I LOVE SRT is another good one. Tree Climbers is great. It's just a lot easier to boot out the assholes and everything else. There's normally a small group of mods who boot people when needed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I notice a few strong posters seem to have dwindled lately, Thor's Hammer, Tucker 943. Go figure.

I'm here. Dealing with a few things lately. I'm not gone or even on break. Just haven't been overly chatty on here. Dealing with some things...
Facebook has its place. You can't get banned there I suppose. I clown around on there but don't get into serious stuff. For instance I sent Andrey a picture of Putin with make up on. He didn't see the humor. In fact, he was fuggin heated. But oh well. A laugh gone wrong I guess.
Facebook has its place. You can't get banned there I suppose. I clown around on there but don't get into serious stuff. For instance I sent Andrey a picture of Putin with make up on. He didn't see the humor. In fact, he was fuggin heated. But oh well. A laugh gone wrong I guess.

Seriously? Oh wow hahahahahahaha, thats great
Forum participation waxes and wanes. Life happens for us all. facebook isn't all bad but sometimes it seems to be nothing but drama. I stopped fbing except for a little around bible camp time(we have a Fb group)...but I never joined in arborist groups so don'rt know how they play out.
More good info, RD. That sheds some light on it for me, cuz I virtually never check the internet from my cell, I do it at night on the puter.

August, you don't need to take set TH vacays or whatever, just post when you have something. This place is the best tree forum/chat place that I know of.
Is that guy completely, utterly obsessed with penis?
Well if he calls you a fag and he is famous for all the fag bashing posts, sounds like he's got D on the brain.
I liked that vid August. It was raw, and real. I liked the peel cuts. It seems a lot of people appreciate your partaking here at he stick around. We all have busy lives, and our own dramas....and on the upside of that its a good place to escape to, and feel welcome, always. If you dont believe me just read through your own thread.
My latest hi DEF video…

<iframe src="//" width="500" height="282" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">5417488-August Hunicke - The Treehouse</a> from <a href="">Tapatalk</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
I liked that vid August. It was raw, and real. I liked the peel cuts. It seems a lot of people appreciate your partaking here at he stick around. We all have busy lives, and our own dramas....and on the upside of that its a good place to escape to, and feel welcome, always. If you dont believe me just read through your own thread.

Thanks Reg. I'm going to intersperse videos like this in between my "Entertainment" videos.
Got any commercial fishing vids? Did you see the sea lion vid, what did you think of that, given your fishing background?