August Hunicke Videos

OK. 1 billion people can be wrong. Or I don't get it. But FB is lame. If a guy wants a FB page to promote and gather bidness, I get that since some folks search and go to FB when they need work (whether or not that is wise, but that's another story) but why would a guy want to post tree stuff there for a bunch of mostly civilians to check out when he could post it here for hard core tree guys who breathe eat sleep it??
Who knows why any regular member leaves? I know I won't, even though I do very little treework nowadays.

Blinky's on FB.
It was about then that he was talking about a new woman in his life. I was going to say that possibly she took a scissors to his internet connection, but if he's on FB....
Well, can you chaps cipher why FB would be preferred to TH for tree talk, as well as the miscellaneous other off topic forums? If a person checked in here for a little while and didn't care for it and left for good, I get that. But to be a regular contributer and then leave for FB?? I don't get it. FB is for the masses. TH is a niche for the committed. Not that you can't be committed to trees without being a THer, but to be a THer and leave it for the hoi polloi of the FB community, nah. FB is just so everybody.
I notice a few strong posters seem to have dwindled lately, Thor's Hammer, Tucker 943. Go figure.
It's a new world, Cory, and you might not be in it. I hear that there are couples that don't verbally communicate, they text or use social media when they have something to say to each other. It's posted on twitter that dinner is on the table. Maybe it saves some hassle? You have to marry an illiterate woman if you want to do things the old way.
Reminds me of the Newtown CT mass shooter at the elementary school, he lived with his mother and near the end, only communicated via email with her.
But ya know, Im a tree guy, I spend 85% of my waking hours nuking trees, I don't really GAF about stuff that aint that, but just that a vibrant TH is always nice.
Every tree forum where he posted lost vibrancy when that crazy lumberjack named John up in Alaska stopped posting. No more nude photos of himself among other things.
Who, the guy drilling gravel sub zero in AK?
No, I can't remember his screen name, certainly Al would know. Pretty famous for his stories about his life in the far north. He would get banned pretty frequently. Nutty but he could be hilarious. I think that he may have gotten out there too far. The last post I recall was when he briefly went outside from his trailer residence during a white out and sub zero temps and couldn't find it again to return.
There were a lot of "targets" in the yard. I don't know all the details of what customer requested but I know he didn't want the yard "beat up"..... ;)

I'm not sure exactly why I was invited, but I sure am glad I went..... :thumbup::D

Yeah you and Butch are right. It WAS a really cool video, and you absolutely never know what the customer might set up as the parameters for a particular job. We did a job for Boeing that was supposed to be zero impact. :lol:

Those guys did a great job. I had had a fair bit to drink last night. :|:
Regarding regular posters being absent I would agree give it a little more time. I was flat out with no days to take a breather or work on equipment till a couple of weeks ago. Customers feel like they have plenty of money again. Economy, what could ever go wrong with the economy-we fixed that before, right?
NHlocal, Randy, funny post. You always come across as wanting to learn. And you seem all to happy to share what you know, and did you ask? Not sure but I think that's why you were invited.
NHlocal, Randy, funny post. You always come across as wanting to learn. And you seem all to happy to share what you know, and did you ask? Not sure but I think that's why you were invited.

Hey Merle,
I sure don't(always)try to be funny but my wife laughs at me all the time and tells me I'm funny, so I guess maybe I am..... :P
No, I didn't ask. To the best of my recollection I posted a video sometime earlier this year, maybe late spring. I got a
comment from The X man, David. I think I got his attention 'cause I was using X rings for rigging and I made a point
of commenting how much I liked them. The work I did in the video was "a bit" sketchy and he commented he'd like to
work with me on safer technique. If I look around enough I could probably dig up the comment, but it was something
along that line, as I recall.....
And absolutely yes! I want to learn as much as I am able because I started so late. I've got a lot of catching up to do, really.
And I love to share what I've learned, that's one of the greatest things about learning stuff. Remembering when the "light bulb
came on" for me and seeing the same look on someone else's face is priceless! :thumbup::D
I gained huge respect for each one of the guys getting to know them a bit personally, nice to find out they're just "regular"
people without inflated egos or attitudes. :)
Cool video and great opportunity!

Randy probably does not know it but I learn a lot from his stuff. I am sorta just getting into this stuff and Randy asks the questions that I am not smart enough to ask! Thanks man!

As a side note, I found out a friend a few towns over has a tree co. I asked him if he could teach me a few things about getting in a tree. Unfortunately he only has his lineman's belt and hardly ever climbs. No one climbs in my area, only bucket truck.
You're talkin about Gypologger...."llamabert" was one of our pet names for that crazy Canuck. We had the best of times twice at Dennis Greffard's "Clearwater Revival", back in 2002 and '03. Those were the best times, on Arborist Site, with John, Robert Andrews, Doug Babcock, and many more..... His name is John Lambert.... and I checked, he has a FB page. Sent him a friend request, but noted that he hasn't been active for a couple years there.

He's been living in Atlin, BC for several years....
Cool video and great opportunity!

Randy probably does not know it but I learn a lot from his stuff. I am sorta just getting into this stuff and Randy asks the questions that I am not smart enough to ask! Thanks man!

As a side note, I found out a friend a few towns over has a tree co. I asked him if he could teach me a few things about getting in a tree. Unfortunately he only has his lineman's belt and hardly ever climbs. No one climbs in my area, only bucket truck.

Thanks Jim, I really appreciate that.
I am very confident there are a whole lot of questions I should ask, but I'm not smart enough to ask. And I say that in all seriousness.
There is just so much to learn. Seems like the more I learn the hungrier I am to learn more. I get "sidetracked" WAY TOO MUCH!!! I do
my best to stick with what I "need" to know to do what I do. But it's really hard not to ask questions and learn about stuff I don't really
get involved with(yet). Like footlocking for example. I'd like to learn how to do it and be at least competent at it, but it's not something
I really need to know. A foot ascender takes care of that for me..... ;)
I still don't know anyone around me that climbs, but then again, right now my schedule is pretty overloaded anyway.
Right now is a perfect example, I should be in bed sleeping..... :P
Well, can you chaps cipher why FB would be preferred to TH for tree talk, as well as the miscellaneous other off topic forums? If a person checked in here for a little while and didn't care for it and left for good, I get that. But to be a regular contributer and then leave for FB?? I don't get it. FB is for the masses. TH is a niche for the committed. Not that you can't be committed to trees without being a THer, but to be a THer and leave it for the hoi polloi of the FB community, nah. FB is just so everybody.

FB is preferred by many because it's easy and there are various tree climbing/tree work related groups on there with guys and gals from all over. Everyone has their groups that they're part of so they tend to hang around there. Contrary to what many think, FB is a great tool for keeping in touch with people and putting yourself out there. It's how I've met some great guys who I travel and work with. Social media is a great tool when used correctly.

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