August Hunicke Videos

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  • #26
Sometimes I am really glad I dont have any chest hair!

Anyway, you reached this non climber August! I love the videos I get to see here at the Tree House!

Now I just need some spurs, saddle and a flip line!

Thanks, love the feedback.
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  • #29
Thanks for the interest. I live and breathe for digital documentation/videography.
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  • #30
In case anyone is wondering or hasn't seen it yet, the hinge-cam shot photo above can be seen in my "Chainsaw" video. . .

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Im loving how beautifully more than a few of you here, are at making face & back cuts.


Can't tell you how many guys I've watched with no abilities or finesse. Well done my people!
Man you can cut. Who taught you to cut? You were obviously taught by a timber-cutter, but I'll assume by your technique, that you were one yourself. Is that the case?

Do you know, you may be the only man who has ever placed a camera in the undercut. Surprised Gerry didn't do it.

Ton of pines where you're at though. Where you at man? Bend or thereabouts? Seems like a ton of Lodgepoles and Pondos. Thank you so very much for the exceptional effort. It means a lot.
Anyone who calls themselves inbred and pays me a compliment like that- would have my fullest attention.
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  • #36
Man you can cut. Who taught you to cut? You were obviously taught by a timber-cutter, but I'll assume by your technique, that you were one yourself. Is that the case?

Do you know, you may be the only man who has ever placed a camera in the undercut. Surprised Gerry didn't do it.

Ton of pines where you're at though. Where you at man? Bend or thereabouts? Seems like a ton of Lodgepoles and Pondos. Thank you so very much for the exceptional effort. It means a lot.

Thanks! Started up in Alaska where I'm from and also done a bit in WA. Yes Logging industry accounts for a lot of my experience. I was a good climber though so they always had me working along the property and power lines etc. pulling them over and whatnot. Nowadays, it's 95% residential tree work, you know, climbing a lot. I prefer to fall a tree any day though over climbing it. I'm in Grants Pass Oregon. Big variety of trees here. All sorts of puzzles to solve.
August, your videos portray the excellence and pride of the best in this industry. Thank you!

More reality shows depicting this industry should follow your lead. I think you set the bar for all the rest to follow. Again, thank you!
I'm in Grants Pass Oregon. Big variety of trees here. All sorts of puzzles to solve.

There's a former Natnl climbing champ name of Jim Harris that lives in Grants Pass August.

Wouldn't happen to know him would yu?

Very fast in his day.

Your vid production talents really shine through mate.

August, your videos portray the excellence a
More reality shows depicting this industry should follow your lead!
I agree.

I'm sickened by what is portrayed of our industry.. Low life uneducated drunks who are as vulgar as they are socially inept.

The exploration of modern arboriculture for television by our finest would make very exciting TV. It would also show the average homeowners what exemplifies a knowledgable arborist— therefore giving the folks who care to give their best, get the work they deserve.

But that probably wouldn't make good television. You know what is said; Simple pleasures for simple minds.
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  • #40
Thank you. What a great treat the Treehouse turned out to be, to hob-nob with G.F. Beranek! Who knows, maybe some of my YouTube videography (and the other videographers work here) can end up with some sort of contemporary, organized library of work to display. I have a lot of ideas. Just getting started with video really.
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  • #41
There's a former Natnl climbing champ name of Jim Harris that lives in Grants Pass August.

Wouldn't happen to know him would yu?

Very fast in his day.

Your vid production talents really shine through mate.


Thanks Jomo. I've met him. He taught me how to splice 16 strand for split-tails years ago.
Great vids, August, but the only thing i see wrong with them is that they are so good, you set a very high standard for yourself. You might need to get funding to keep topping yourself, maybe a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts....seriously! Much more worthy compared to some of the pissy stuff that they give money to, imo.
If yu see him about August, tell him Jon said hey and wants to know if he's sill got his old Plymouth Cuda?

He spent a week at my home back in the 90's when he was younger n quicker runnin about in that ancient Cuda!

Good times!

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  • #44
Great vids, August, but the only thing i see wrong with them is that they are so good, you set a very high standard for yourself. You might need to get funding to keep topping yourself, maybe a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts....seriously! Much more worthy compared to some of the pissy stuff that they give money to, imo.

Man, I hear that! Takes a LOT of time and effort to produce a decent product. I feel both guilty and exhilarated when I'm working on a video. Guilty for all the time it takes but completely consumed with the whole process. I figure if I work that hard on a subject that I'm naturally gifted in, then it will open doors at some point. I'll pour over it open doors or not though.
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  • #45
If yu see him about August, tell him Jon said hey and wants to know if he's sill got his old Plymouth Cuda?

He spent a week at my home back in the 90's when he was younger n quicker runnin about in that ancient Cuda!

Good times!


I hope he's ok.
Fun stuff, August.
You do such a great editing job, that you manage to make all the boring stuff that we do for a living seem like something out of Hollywood.
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  • #47
Thanks Stig. Yeah, Hollywood has nothing on us cutters though. We do all our own stunts.
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  • #48
I think this is one of my favorite videos. I did this one about ten months ago, before I new the value of HD and many other camera tricks. A lot of cell phone cam shots in here.

The story behind the vid is that, I showed up there in the morning just to orient the guys to the job and then go bidding (hence the white shirt). I soon learned that they were standoffish about falling them whole and planned on climbing most of them. In the interest of the guarding the profit of the contractor who sold the job, I went to work. The guy's and even the homeowner were razzing me about the white shirt, so I said,
"Yeah, all I need now is a tie."
Homeowner went in and got me one. Everybody there loved it so much I dreamed up the concept of my subsequent video, "American Tree Man."
He let me keep the tie. It's hanging in my shop.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Nice vids. I liked the one about tying a bowline fast too. I can tie a bowline around myself fast, with gloves on, eyes closed. But it is about the only knot I have memorized at this point.

It was explained to me that if I fall through the floor in a house fire, the boys may be able to lower a rope to me and get me out in time if I can tie a bowline around myself in complete darkness.