August Hunicke Videos

Nice vid Aug!

Lawrence and Bix worked for me on Monday then me and Lawrence worked for Bixler on tues. fun times!
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  • #81
yes, those guys are awesome

Im Scott, but Bix calls me BOTS (black oak tree service) lol, call me anything you want brother :thumbup:

Bots! Okay! Yes, heard of you. BOTS is quite original. We'll likely work together at some point. Nice to meet you.
I just found this thread, wow great work August....very nice quality and your doing this while working!!!

Video technology has come a long long ways with equipment today that'll fit in your shirt pocket.

In 1995 a CBC TV film crew came to my cabin and we did a shoot of felling spruce and then I carved a eagle for them with a real stuffed bald eagle as a model. Like what you did they also buried a camera in the ground and I felled a spruce on it to make it look like one of the actors got hit on the head..
Only difference was this movie camera was worth $40,000.
7 people in the film crew with lit up umbrellas, a sound man , camera man, producer, director, comedian.......:lol:

Man things in 2014 sure have changed with technology and you don't need a $40,000 camera and 7 helpers.:)
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  • #89
I just found this thread, wow great work August....very nice quality and your doing this while working!!!

Video technology has come a long long ways with equipment today that'll fit in your shirt pocket.

In 1995 a CBC TV film crew came to my cabin and we did a shoot of felling spruce and then I carved a eagle for them with a real stuffed bald eagle as a model. Like what you did they also buried a camera in the ground and I felled a spruce on it to make it look like one of the actors got hit on the head..
Only difference was this movie camera was worth $40,000.
7 people in the film crew with lit up umbrellas, a sound man , camera man, producer, director, comedian.......:lol:

Man things in 2014 sure have changed with technology and you don't need a $40,000 camera and 7 helpers.:)

Thanks. Sounds like an interesting video. Love to see it. Perhaps Walmart or someone would put it on a flash drive for you for cheap. I've had vhs vids rerendered as digital before by a photo/camera store.
Thanks. Sounds like an interesting video. Love to see it. Perhaps Walmart or someone would put it on a flash drive for you for cheap. I've had vhs vids rerendered as digital before by a photo/camera store.
Yes I've heard of VHS being converted to digital. I have a guy here who takes care of a website for our local winter festival that I'm a director of. I'm going to see if he can convert the tape and get it on YouTube for me.
Here's a pic with new age smartphone technology taking a pic of old school VHS from 1995.:)

The guy falling on his face is the comedian trying to put his safety chaps on. I'm running a "new then" Stihl 066 Red lite and the top handle sitting on the round is the first of the 2nd series 020T's [the predecessor of the MS200] The stuffed bald eagle is to the right of me.


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:lol: good stuff August! With today's technology and all the up and coming guys, it makes me wish I could travel around a bunch to join some crews. To be young again...
Todays technology is indeed geared for the young alright:).
My 10 year old daughter can do amazing things editing videos she takes with her I-Pod.
Hey August. I just saw your latest vid on youtube with the X-Rings. Loved it bro!

You gotta post that one here at the House so others can enjoy it. It will make a great rigging discussion as well.

Thanks for sharing and taking the time to make the vids.