August Hunicke Videos

Im surprised any of you care. Its a done deal, the place is a waste, whats the mystery?
How many of these forums are there? I feel like some kind of little lost village that is just now learning about forums and toasters and hitch climber systems.

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This is the only place worth hanging at. Real people, down to earth and willing to help. I'm not a religious man but I feel blessed to have found this place.

Top work on your films August, you've got quite a talent.
How many of these forums are there?

Only four real tree ones now, couple of other sites have a tree forum but I think they're mostly dead now.

AS and Treebuzz, [forget them] here and Arbtalk. That's the British one, it's pretty big now. There was an Aussie one until last year, there was some good info there but it was doomed from the start. There is a new one run by Arbor Age magazine but I think there's about ten members.
Quote Originally Posted by MasterBlaster View Post
118 views over at AS and only one person (Treevet) commented with a smart ass post. Amazing how the people are over there.
That place is a shit hole. I tried to find a more forum friendly description and everything that came to mind was even less refined.

Yeah, and did ya'll see Dave (treevet's) reply to my very mild rebuke? While, he is a very competent arborist and tree owner, and runs a larger show than mine (which is mighty esy), he is quite the prick.... and his lack of respect for me was ...... well, not that unexpected.....
How many of these forums are there? I feel like some kind of little lost village that is just now learning about forums and toasters and hitch climber systems.

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I know what you mean, I have changed many things about my work since I started using forums.
Some posts about climbing systems however are still Greek to me!
Yeah, and did ya'll see Dave (treevet's) reply to my very mild rebuke? While, he is a very competent arborist and tree owner, and runs a larger show than mine (which is mighty esy), he is quite the prick.... and his lack of respect for me was ...... well, not that unexpected.....

Wow, he sure sure has turned into a bitter old man.

He was never baited or attacked here, he was made very welcome. He didn't even stay long just went back to Tw and rubbished this place. Banned from Treeworld back to AS then to Treebuzz until he got banned, then back to AS. Not full time on AS really, until now.

In case you had not been hit in the head with a frying pan to notice, Ballowe is not a big favorite here. You go on his forum in good faith then they bait and attack you. Why? Who knows...maybe small pee pees.
This guy is banned here for life and Buzz as well. Then he, and somewhat you, make these dramatic visits here with stuff like this..."This is How Its Done" lol. Well geeze misters, thanks for teaching us how to do what we do every day. You all are no better than anyone just think you are.
Stay on here full time and earn your creds...or go take a hike. You're a nice enough guy with a nice small business (like most of us have) and your pictures are pretty good but most of us are here every day including holidays and we can get along quite nicely without you all's do it like this visits and advice thank you very much Rog.
The forums have been good for / to me, by way of learning about better mousetraps, techniques, making friends (and enemies, lol) etc. Met and have climbed for a member of TreeHouse as a result of chatting with him on AS.
Am posting this in a hotel in Monroeville, PA, purchased a slightly used MS880 yesterday from a contact I found via TB. Stoked!
My SK650 mini purchase was one of the best things I've ever got for my little biz, and it also resulted from learning about them on the forums.
Great video August & a brave move with the poetry. Tree vids have evolved so much over the last few years & the bar seems to be constantly rising.
Quote Originally Posted by MasterBlaster View Post
118 views over at AS and only one person (Treevet) commented with a smart ass post. Amazing how the people are over there.

Yeah, and did ya'll see Dave (treevet's) reply to my very mild rebuke? While, he is a very competent arborist and tree owner, and runs a larger show than mine (which is mighty esy), he is quite the prick.... and his lack of respect for me was ...... well, not that unexpected.....

Im gonna have a say here, hope it doesn’t backfire on me. I speak not to offend.

Rog, I read Treevets post, and by his standards didn’t think he was trying to disrespect you. In fact if you read it again it seems that the thread title is partly the issue here – ‘this is how its done’. This is how whats done ? Treework? really ?

Now we know Butch was just sharing a cool video on Augusts part, no malice intended whatsoever. But clearly the AS guys don’t know that, and have taken it as being a little condescending. Take away the poetry, music and excellent camera work....then the treework while solid is pretty normal....good, but not extraordinary. Lets be honest. Treevet says as much. To make a comparison, if you look at some of Greame McMahons videos from the past, clever camera angles etc would add nothing....because the treework is stand-alone spectacular....nothing needs enhancing. To say ‘this is how its done’ and post a McMahon video would probably get a completely different reaction....because most guys will never get to rig out 200ft + trees, ever, let alone on a weekly basis. So they cant really argue or take offense to it. Perhaps ‘Great Tree video’, or something similar would have received a more positive response....because you cant dispute or take it any other way....its a great presentation, same as the stuff Brian (Bixler) does. Lots of effort and imagination.

The shit they said to Butch thereafter does come across as insulting and disrespectful, undoubtedly....but those guys will speak to each other like that in the very next breath, and have a big group laugh about it thereafter. The general atmosphere at AS can be somewhat vulgar and homophobic, but with humorous ‘intent’ I believe. Whether you do or don’t find it funny is an individual thing though. But, like most forums, like it or not, majority rules. Its not worth worrying about. Dont post there. I didn’t see any put-down of Freds video either....a guy just asked the question if there was really a cost saving in hiring a crane in such circumstances? Thats fair enough I think.

Great buzz about the treehouse right now. Lots going on:thumbup: No point dwelling on bad vibes elsewhere that you cant change.
Well said Reg. I only come here, and sometimes Arbtalk. Ive given up totally on the other forums. Too many bitches. Whatever! Quality not quantity. :thumbup:
Loved it, of course... :)

TreeHouse is the only place worth anything. TreeBuzz is dying it seems, never liked AS. Dont get over to ArbTalk much, but always liked it there more than all the other non-tree houses.