August Hunicke Videos

"Treevet" may not have taken the time to notice that all of those "easy droppers" were different trees. That day had quite a few close to the eaves. He probably thought I was falling the same one over and over. If he paid attention he would see they were different trees. The one at the beginning was just a log. You could tell by how hard it hit. The others were clearly full-length trees by the way they hit. I sometimes use more than one angle of the same tree but not at different places in the sequence of the video. There were four different fir trees close to the eaves that hit the ground in that video. Also, I see it as a sign of ignorance when someone assumes they are easy from a video. Because it's only when your on site that you know where grandma's dogwood was and the sprinkler and the leach field or the vent for the septic or whatever blah blah blah.… Plus a million other factors. Ignorance, that's one thing. Another is that there is a certain inferiority complex evident in a person that is chiefly negative. It's like they feel like if they don't say something instructive then someone might not think that they are the best. I find that wearisome in a person.

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I’ve had squirrels ask for my autograph…..freaking amazing line:lol:
You’ll know who you are, if you’ve wrecked out a spar, with sawdust in your face
Or admiring the view, had a bird land next to you, not expecting you in his place
But it’s your place too, what you’re born to do, following after passion
You’re one of the few, through and through, you’re doctor and assassin

Insanely good lines.
I’ve had squirrels ask for my autograph…..freaking amazing line:lol:

: ) Several places in the process of writing this felt like hitting home runs. Been scribbling things down off and on for a couple months.

Also, I think I do talk kind of slow but I don't have a twang in my voice.
I think I actually wrote it with that twang ringing in my head because of having listened to so much cowboy poetry. Which is really the inspiration for it. I kept deleting recitations of it because of the twang. But the twang was sort of married in with the cadence so I couldn't extricate it from the rhyme so I gave up trying to read it without the natural inflection that had been in my head while writing it. The human brain is a pretty strange thing… At least mine is.

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Huge effort August. Much appreciated :beerchug:. I dont really know how to feel about the poem if Im honest, but good on ya for doing something different.

Id like to come down and slam a few with you at some point....or vice versa. Although, we dont get lots of particularly challenging trees up here....its more about production, and staying power. But no matter, Im sure you'd enjoy it.
: ) Several places in the process of writing this felt like hitting home runs. Been scribbling things down off and on for a couple months.

Have you listened to any Buzz Martin? He's from your neck of the woods, PNW
August, the shot of the tree falling filmed with the go pro in the tree's top was quite cool, but raises the question, how many go pros do you go thru??
August, the shot of the tree falling filmed with the go pro in the tree's top was quite cool, but raises the question, how many go pros do you go thru??

I get this question a lot. I've never destroyed one doing tree work or anything else. Partly because I'm good at placing them and partly because they're awesome. My 1 year old broke one the other day though. She could wreck an anvil.
Huge effort August. Much appreciated :beerchug:. I dont really know how to feel about the poem if Im honest, but good on ya for doing something different.

Id like to come down and slam a few with you at some point....or vice versa. Although, we dont get lots of particularly challenging trees up here....its more about production, and staying power. But no matter, Im sure you'd enjoy it.

Thanks Reg, It's on my bucket list to work/shoot video with you at at some point. Hope it somehow happens.
Regarding the poem, I imagine poetry isn't for everyone. I'm inclined to it because I'm intrigued by communication and arranging words. I did keep it more on the humor/bad ass side though don't you think ; )
Huge effort August. Much appreciated :beerchug:. I dont really know how to feel about the poem if Im honest, but good on ya for doing something different.

Id like to come down and slam a few with you at some point....or vice versa. Although, we dont get lots of particularly challenging trees up here....its more about production, and staying power. But no matter, Im sure you'd enjoy it.

You do that! And I'll tag along...with my cane and walker......

of course, you're welcome here as well...... and I'll pay ya what yer worth! if'n I kin afford 4 figgers a day!
Yeah i dont want paying Rog....Id just do it for the craic. Might be over with the family for a weekend maybe we can sink a few :occasion5:
Thanks Reg, It's on my bucket list to work/shoot video with you at at some point. Hope it somehow happens.
Regarding the poem, I imagine poetry isn't for everyone. I'm inclined to it because I'm intrigued by communication and arranging words. I did keep it more on the humor/bad ass side though don't you think ; )

Its all good August. I wasnt being negative or anything. I just though it a little bizarre.....but thats a positive:)
August, of the mention in your poem about you quit drinking, it made me think of a sobering quote I heard from a writer a while ago:

"Alcohol gave me wings, then it took away the sky."
August, of the mention in your poem about you quit drinking, it made me think of a sobering quote I heard from a writer a while ago:

"Alcohol gave me wings, then it took away the sky."

Wow, amazing quote.

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Man, that is a clever poem, good stuff!
Buzz Martin did some great stuff like "whistle punk Pete" and "used log truck", I bet you would enjoy him, kinda slow speaking like your poem
I showed Katy and Seth this one and they were all smiles and giggles.

August, you should consider coming out this way for one of our Cowboy Poetry readings. They put one on every year here in Mariposa. I can see if I can find out when for you.

That and Story telling