August Hunicke Videos

Yeah i dont want paying Rog....Id just do it for the craic. Might be over with the family for a weekend maybe we can sink a few :occasion5:'d refuse crispy freshly minted and washed George Washingtons??.....

Slayed two poplars today..... prolly 22 yards of chips..... got some good video.... it would have taken any normal group of mortals two days to do those trees, but with this old fart in need of a walker, and the other young Jedi, Patrick, and the quite good, if not that experienced crew, and the key use of the chipper winch, we pulled them off.... not two miles away from the "Huge Ballard Poplars"
which were behemoths, relative to these little tykes, barely 110 feet tall, and 40-44" on the butt. Film at 11..... but what'm so far behind at posting images and videos.... it not funny..slept 8 hours this weekend, drove 200 miles, shot the moonrise, moonset twice, at 5 different locations, and 6 stops over three days..freaking amazing! I doubt anyone got as many and as diverse images as I, or as good...anywhere....
Okay, here is another version of the video. . . Is there anyone here from the UK that can test it for me to see if its still blocked there, or any place in Europe for that matter. . .For the record, I like the first one better because I made it for that soundtrack. . .
It's unlisted but I might make it public if it works.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Both work ok here.

Great video and I like the poem. I had a poetry thread once but it got lost, maybe I should start another one.

Poor old treevet, only one forum for him now. Exiled to AS, no wonder he's grumpy. It was his idea to leave here by the way.
Only One Rule Here!

Both work ok here.

Great video and I like the poem. I had a poetry thread once but it got lost, maybe I should start another one.

Poor old treevet, only one forum for him now. Exiled to AS, no wonder he's grumpy. It was his idea to leave here by the way.

I think he may be going senile,,,, but IDK,,
As always August great vid.

MB I went to AS years ago to show them the Wraptor. Man they jumped on my shit and talked smack about the product that I invested more money than I had in. I never went back........
It sure wasn't like that at first. I thought I'd found the coolest forum in the world. I made a shitload of 5 star threads with jillions of positive responses. I was the first one to hit 10,000 posts. Now, they just seem to sneer at everyone. It's a crying fricking shame.
Seem like basic losers...big ego, low self esteem, trashing others to make themselves feel good. Some of them haven't grown up yet...and may not at all.

Sad to spend your days like that.
118 views over at AS and only one person (Treevet) commented with a smart ass post. Amazing how the people are over there.

That place is a shit hole. I tried to find a more forum friendly description and everything that came to mind was even less refined.
I can't believe how I was blessed with this place. I never knew it would evolve into what it is today.

Thank ALL of you! It's not my forum, it's YOURS!
A circus is a good description for A.S.
When I was a member years back there was good people on there and they would always pm me and warn of some member "who was low on his medication".:lol:

The day I was banned in the middle of a mid winter rant with Gologit....... SawTroll's wife "Saw Witch" died in her armchair succumbing to cancer while watching skiing competition on TV all the while SawTroll was trying to settle us down. ha. He did manage to call the ambulance :lol:

Such drama!:D