Captain Zero!
I dont care for olive oil anyway. Now peanut oil, thats great for me! Safflower oil too.
....Since we are starting with fallow ground this year, we will be using a full fertilizer rate.....
......We are not totally alone, like I said, the NRCS man is working with us and we are getting our cover crop mixes from a company in southern Montana. It is called North 40 Ag, look it up if you are interested.....
I had a thought the other night, we would never dream of running a piece of machinery into the ground and never maintain it. We had done exactly that when it comes to our soils though. Its seems to be time to put some maintenance into our largest and most precious asset, our dirt!
I believe I am handling this pretty well. I mean almost everything that I knew or thought I knew about the way things work has been challenged and found to be lacking. I think the majority of farmers are in or are about to be in my boat. It is a FUNDAMENTAL change that we are making and it is difficult and challenging.
I will admit that I am scared shitless about these changes. We dont have a neighbor that is farming and ranching with these practices that we can go and visit to get info and pointers. There are books to read and videos to watch, conferences to attend and salespeople to talk to but we have no real world farms to visit in our large part of the state.
Spent night in a teepee west of Browning.