8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan!

HA! I bet some of those are even being sent to empty lots in hopes of being payed!
No doubt, but likely the ladies aren't going around to try and read the meters as usual, unless with maybe a shovel.
Well, technically the power company is due what usage people had up to the tsunami, they could hire some surveyors to go around and figure out where someone lived, then tack the bill on a stick. I wouldn't put it past them to threaten to cut off the power for lack of payment. It won't work though, unless there are some power poles installed first.
I'm in awe by all that is going on over there. And more just keeps coming. Got to be tough on the nerves for so many. I feel for you all over there, Jay. Thank you for the updates that the news doesn't cover.
Today on NPR they said that the radiation leaks have been on the same scale as Chernobyl but that since the wind carried it out over the ocean that not so many people were affected. Worker safety is much better than Chernobyl since no one died in Japan and I think they said that 30 workers died in Chernobyl. A lot of the Chernobyl cancer cases were caused by people drinking containminated milk and causing thyroid cancer and that could have been easily prevented. So, it actually sounds like Japan is doing pretty good. Compared to Chernobyl anyway.
I just saw this on the news, sort of sorry I watched it now.:(


<div><object width="576" height="324"><param name="movie" value="http://d.yimg.com/nl/australia/site/player.swf?vid=24885620&repeat=0&browseCarouselUI=hide"></param><param name="flashVars" value="repeat=0&vid=24885620&"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed width="576" height="324" allowFullScreen="true" src="http://d.yimg.com/nl/australia/site/player.swf?vid=24885620&repeat=0&browseCarouselUI=hide" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="repeat=0&vid=24885620&"></embed></object></div>
Very gnarly video.

There is some controversy about whether the nuclear situation should have been upgraded to a level 7 event or not, the same as Chernobyl. It appears to show a lot of upheaval within the nuclear regulatory agency over public discontent and all the uncertainty that has been created. More that a few unhappy campers out there, not in a very forgiving mood about the whole mess. I appears that the government agency that is responsible for the nuclear public safety, is starting to hear the flapping wings of the chickens coming home to roost, and in my own personal opinion, most deservedly so. They first built this wall of arrogance, along with the power company, and it has been going on like that for a number of years, and now their little world is crumbling.

Yes, I have been feeling a lot of aftershocks, it.s usually a little topic of conversation between my wife and myself when we go to bed, whether we can get through to the morning without the cell phone warning going off and the place starting to shake. As Jerry correctly deduced, it really does start to wear on your nerves. When another shaker begins, you sort of don't know whether to just wait it out and it will soon pass, or it is going to get heavy again and you had better go run out into the street. I've heard stories before of people, particularly the elderly, who even though they weren't physically injured in a quake, they end up suffering long term emotional damage. I can much better understand it now, the anxiety that can get put in your mind. You get the concept of how powerful these things really are, and it's a very fearsome force.

Thanks for all the concern, personally, we aren't freaking out or anything, but these definitely aren't the better times. It's a strange mood in the country, rather unreal seeming.
I sure will be glad (and I KNOW ya'll will!!!) when all of this mess is behind ya'll. The sad thing's that it could/WILL happen again!

The newer generations of nuclear reactors will have better safeguards in place, some with cooling systems that won't be compromised of there is a failure of electricity, and don't require all the pumps and piping to get the water into the reactors. Still, it is somewhat questionable if those plants can ever be safe enough.
Exactly, you lose one of your most basic frames of reference when it is shaking around. It gets rather confusing.
Jay, let's revisit the TreeHouse Support System...you needing an infusion of funds, brother? I have been blessed in my life, and would be more than pleased to share if you would allow it. I doubt I'm alone in that point of view.
Thanks brothers, I really am touched! My situation currently is that I have no work in the shop, things are basically dead. Tree work jobs, I think two since the quake a month ago, hardly enough to live on. I have some savings, not a whole hell of a lot at this point, and that is what my wife and I are living on. I have an exhibition of woodwork scheduled in early June, in a part of the country quite a distance from the quake and nuclear concerns, and I am building pieces for that event now. We are just trying to live as cheaply as possible until the show, and hopefully I can sell some work and we can get back to some reasonable stability for awhile, and maybe in some ways by then the situation will have started to lighten up a bit in the country, and folks might be wanting to consider custom furniture again, in terms of commissions, who knows? Perhaps it might even be worse?? If the show isn't somewhat successful, as my wife and I have discussed, we are going to have to do something, I don't know what, but something. My wife teaches a little English to kids, but currently has no students.

The offer from you kind souls to help us out, I don't know what it is really, but when I think about it I start to feel uneasy, that is kind of the best way to describe it, I think. I don't know why that is, maybe because I've been an independent my whole life, pretty much only know self reliance. Maybe I should learn to be more accepting of generosity? Anyway, just trying to be honest here, since the offer has been made a couple of times, and from some people in private communications as well. I'm thinking that I need to get through to the June event by my own accords somehow, then it might be time to reassess. Please bear with me, I hope I'm not seeming discourteous to what you folks are kind heartily wanting to do for us. I sure do accept the spirit of it, it's a real comforting thing at least, not having the sense of being alone. :)

Try your best to relax and find some type of peace in all of this. I know that's a tall order right about now, but - what ya gonna do?
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Jay, maybe a transition in work? Whats the rebuild situation like, can a fellow like you look into a supervisory role in woodframe construction? Prebuilt homes? Cabinetry or other finer woodwork? Might not be your creative best but it might help pay the bills for a few years.