8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan!

more hits equal easier and more hits... SO some would find it desirable. Makes you easier to find.
Down side I would imagine is spam finds you easier also.
That was what I was wondering about, spam. I don't need anymore viagra advertisement coming my way, I feel inadequate enough from the ones now.
I don't think it has much at all to do with spam, just seems to give you better placement for searches
Oh yeah... and there are stories of hellish working conditions, trying to do repairs in inadequate light, along with a somewhat chaotic atmosphere with less than ideal supervision. Having to rotate people in and out after only thirty minutes. It would be an understatement to say that the situation isn't greatly worrying. The people who have had to evacuate, they don't know when if ever they can get back to a normal existence. I heard something like possibly no rice growing for ten years within a certain proximity. All the farmers are fooked. I believe the electric company has already had a big bailout approved by the government. If the execs are taking the money, likely they aren't considering suicide. The reactor(s) could be pumping out radiation for weeks. "There is nothing to worry about", it was only a short time ago that the power company was saying that.
Here's one I haven't seen, lordy.

<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value="http://www.liveleak.com/e/3a7_1301163352"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.liveleak.com/e/3a7_1301163352" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" width="450" height="370"></embed></object>
Sure don't mind, Deva, thanks for the help!

Yeah, that is one of the better vids to show the water taking over. It is hard to believe how high the surge was in some places, above three and four story roofs. Some people thought that they were safe on the roofs of upper floors, but eventually they were swept away too, or the whole building left it's foundation under them. A hellish thing. I think that there are at least ten thousand still missing. The lucky folks are only searching for their cars or ships.
That is almost unimaginable, the sheer force of that water just sweeping away buildings. Looks like something hollywood made....
I can't imagine being the guy holding that camera, and wondering where the water will stop... and if the building will give way under me.

Unfuckingbelievable. :(
I was wondering that as well, at what point do you go, "Eek!" To that person's credit though, our tidal waves usually stop at about fifteen seconds into the vid.
Little ones aren't so uncommon. Somehow the experts can tell if the few centimeters increase in wave height is a tidal wave or not. Postdoctoral work requiring grants to watch seagulls, and rather complex.....
On the morning news supposidley they detected slightly higher radiation levels in rain water in Cleveland Ohio . It's entirely possible the jet stream could have picked out a tad and blew it this way .
I found the perfect spam filter. I forward all my email through my gmail account. I used to get 10 or 20 per day, now I get none with an occasional message from google saying they did not forward a message because of suspicious content- it's always spam trying to look like UPS or FedX.
No shit, gmail is the best spam filter on the planet.