Yea I found that out on the 441 model .I think the problem might be is that small little trim saws usually run for about 15 seconds in the course of their intended usage .Where as a 441 or perhaps the new not yet running properly 661 might go at it for several minutes depending on the usage .As such they as oppossed to the 201T would have plenty of time to warm up .Al, all the stratified scavenge engine saws that I have need to warm up before running proper.
Irritating at first, but you get used to it fast.
I actually cycled two tanks of saw gas through that pig a idyl so as to break it in.
Yes, I see no harm in reving them. Going up and down in rpm is not the thing that damage it is the time it is in top rpm and held there.The way I interpert it, is not to run it at full to high throttle when not in load for the first three tankfulls. Magnus is it ok to pulse the throttle, just short burst say for free the bar of debris and clear the oiler etc/