I climbed on goldline for years, yes it's stiff, it never gets any softer, rapping on it was like rapping down a chain. It soaked up water and dirt like a sponge. When it froze, you didn't coil it, you folded it up.
You didn't just get rope burn from goldline, it took the skin with it (still have a scar). The friction was unbelievable.. it basically melted it's way through anything nylon that it ran across.
Trying to think of a good point here.. weight.. NO.. umm.. oh ya, it was durable, it did even burn worth a sh*t. I used the chunks that I had left from a retired goldline to hang over sharp edges and generally leave behind when rapping off a route with no anchors. If you really want to know what goldline is like, go and try body rapping on it