Goldline!! My first serious use of rope was with Goldline. As a 16 year old I went thru a week long mountaineering course taught by Army Rangers at My. Yonah in N. GA. They ran it the way they did with Rangers...tough course. I learned bowline, square knot, double butterfly, half-hitch, Ranger carry method with a "sling rope" (each of us victims had a 9-12 foot rope we kept with us at all times) and use Army steel non-locking biners. We used double rope rappels, Swiss seat we had to tie..."you tied it, you ride it", did pushups whenever we f'd up and always did them wherever you were. And feet had to be higher than the head. I remember doing them on a 12 inch ledge about 50 feet up..."give me 10 and one for the Ranger in the Sky". From them I learned to NEVER step on a rope, never smoke around rope...treat a rope nice, it's your life. They told us Goldline had a 33% stretch factor! It was great for rappelling...we got very good at crazy running, jumping rappels. It was awful for an aid would climb about 2 minutes just to get the slack out to get off the ground.
Then I got into treework later and folks walked on ropes, ran them thru tree crotches, did crazy shat with ropes. Took me a long time to re-wire my brain.
Goldline was awesome to a young me...I still have a few hanks from the 70's...the longest is now super-soft...used to be uber stiff. And the Army version was Greenline (they dyed Goldline to be green). Good memories for me of Goldline.