What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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It about 4 hours today we got about another 4 inchs of snow .Good grief I have snow banks up near my house close to 6 feet high from shoving out the driveway. It doesn't snow so much at one time just lets it down constainly every other day or so .
Ha, gotta love the big Lake...only -4 here Rajan :P

Had nice sunny day all day and climbed up to 15 degree windchill. I was way over-dressed and got soaked, then got cold. luckily then it was about quitting time. :)
I got 17 right now, come on 32! I hate this winter it's been hard on gear, when I can get it started, and can get outside.
I hear ya.

Word from the mill is we are working/producing more than about any other crews around here. Ha, we're not doing much it seems.

Trudging through knee deep snow and driving on ice is getting a tad bit old.
25 mph sustained and gusts to 40 here. Good day to do tree work. I mean laundry. Rajan, we should get together for lunch today. Want to meet in Fond Du Lac? :beer:

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Wind & snow here.

So many accidents on major roads they are telling folks not to drive unless it is an emergency.

I'm running out of things to clean in the house. Much more of this and I'll be fixing drywall damaged from me bouncing off of it...
65-70 below wind chill all night long. Right now I'm working fueling iron and equipment all over the job site. Many different things going on at once. Building ice roads and ice bridges and pads. Building gravel roads and pads. Building permanent bridges. Ect. Ect. Cranes have to stop work at-30 or 35 . Hydraulic stuff has to stop at-40 ambient. But till 40 under its go ahead on er. But safely. Almost frost bit my cheeks last night. The guy I work with made me get in the fuel truck because my cheeks had gone white. Another 5 minutes and I'de have some permanent reminders of last night.
Tell me CL, have you ever likened yourselves to deep space explorers surviving in a very weather hostile environment?

You're kinda hangin from a rated resupply lifeline ain't yu?

Stay safe mate, and thanks for postin.

Heat wave this morning...28f. Going to get above freezing again today. Have to take care not to overdress :lol:
21 and sunny. It's actually an amazing day considering it's still 15 degrees colder than normal. But the birds are out and snow is melting. Loving life right now.

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So agree Randy, today is a near perfect day by my standards.
Went to the river for my first swim of the year today. 48 all day yesterday and today just shy of 80
We just had the warmest february since 1883.
I have almost a full winter's worth of cutting laying around in the woods, waiting for the mud to dry up, so the forwarders/skidders can get to work.
Good thing I'm on friendly terms with my bank.