What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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My prediction is minimal tree damage. I have the crews here so no one else will claim them and if it gets really bad they wouldn't be able to get here. That being said I may head home to rest up before the s hits the fan.
Wish we would get more snow here. Barely scraping by; started working for my self this season plowing. Its 31 and blue bird, practically tee shirt weather round these parts!
It started snowing here before daylight. It is forecasted to keep up into tonight. We expect about a foot. It has been quite a while since we have had a storm like this. We used to get a lot of them. Last winter we got no snow to speak of.
Drive careful out there, people.

I guess Boston is trashed, but we've only got a foot out this end. Just a dusting.:lol: The Gov. lives about 10 miles from me.
I'm sure glad I don't live up there. Hurricane force winds and three feet of snow? Good luck to them!!!

On another note, we have a massive Mardi Gras parade here every year. Tons of intricate floats and thousands of people - it's quite the event. It's scheduled for tomorrow: tomorrow's weather = Torrential downpours and thunderstorms. It's gonna be a disaster!!!


I watched that press conf and laughed my ass off a bunch of times

Then I spent 24 hours without a sense of humor while I was plowing that shit.

There were tons of idiots in the road from 12am-4am cross country skiing and walking their f'n dogs. I even had to people doing army crawling in the middle of Cypress st at 3 in the morning. Still trying to figure that one out. Dodging people who wouldn't move for us to plow was way more of a pain than cars usually are.

I look forward to forgetting how much that sucked!
How is it that I just drove through a snowstorm between Tucson and Phoenix, and I drove through none between ND and Tuscon?????
We've got 6-8" on the ground, a patch of ice/sleet moving in and they've upped us to 10-18" total snowfall, and it's supposedly just getting started here. School was already canceled for in-service today and tomorrow, and I think Diane is going to be staying home as well.
Lots of digging out to be done if it ever lets up!
We got snow coming in tonight and all day tomorrow, I am getting sick of winter. I mean really momma nature, just dump six-eight inches at a crack give us a break of a week or two not this rain rain/snow mix BS or three inches every few days, it's getting old.
We are still in extreme drought right now, we'll take all the moisture we can get! I just went out a bit ago, we've got every bit of 10" on the ground right now, with more coming. It's been snowing so bad the trucks can't keep up with the 2" an hour we are getting. The court house's have closed, aircraft plants are discouraging people from coming to work, I've watched two neighbors get stuck in their driveway's so far this morning! Then we've got 5" plus still to come.
Heads up Butch, nasty weather heading your way!
Spent 6hrs on the mini digging out so far today, it's a bloody mess and not sure we don't have more crap coming our way!
Ha! It's been here and just about passed. It wasn't near as bad a the wedder guy said it was gonna be.

It looks like one last blast, then it'll be over.

Well I guess it's over here? We never got any more snow today, other than a dusting.
I'm beat though, and I'm sure the idiots from the city will mess up what I've done today, just because they are idiots! If I see the one guy I'm going to punch him in the face then when he gets out of the truck I'm going to drill him in the balls! I plowed wider than the city did, then he comes in and hits the wings nicely covering what I'd just cleared out in front of the mailboxes!
Fixing to get pounded, again! Anywhere from 8-26" of snow this time, with a chance of rain/freezing rain on the front. Some really nasty stuff moving in South of us right now, worse than the last one, like severe weather, with freezing rain turning to snow etc.
Then the winds have been upped, they are expecting 50-60mph winds with this mess now. I'd be kidding if I said I wasn't a little worried how this will play out!