What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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I'm showing 80's, sun and beautiful. Now I can get the real work done.

Just finished repairing a roof on the shed that got torn up in some of those past storms. Then finished up rebuilding a 1800 30cc trim saw for a guy out of 4 saws to make one.
stopped raining about 10AM today, so far its holding up. Nice dry stretch for us in these parts this year.
I just turned a buddies garden and lawn area. Garden was still to wet to do much with. We really should be past any serious frost now.
It's a bit overcast at the moment .Lawdy we had a frog drowner yesterday afternoon . It didn't rain long but the water came down in buckets,flooded the roads ,ran off the fields like Niagra falls . Tornados to the south ,geeze .
Lower 60's, 34% humidity, not a cloud in the sky. This is the nicest day so far this year. Hope it holds for the next week or so. If we can get a week of drying weather my son says they should be able to get about 6000 acres in in about 12 days. Will be in more big cottonwoods at work if this weather holds also.

I still have yet to test her on the lake and see where she planes out :lol:
Patch a couple holes too :/:

Snowed on me today up at 5000 feet. Up in Jersey Dale and Heights Cove. The trees have been brutalized by the heavy snow and winds this year. This row of black oaks went over. Some split and some root failure. Nothing under 5' DBH IMG_0551.jpg IMG_0549.jpg IMG_0547.jpg

Stuff like this all over the place. Hard to see the trees past the first couple, but there were about 8 or so down for over 1/4 mile. There were a lot of the same cut back off the roads everywhere. This is up in the beginning of the National Forest. A lot of 4WD roads all over the mountains just out side of Yosemite.
On that note also... One of my customers speculated that fire wood prices should go up because of the cost of fuel... More demand. I told her to wait until after winter, I believe there will be a surplus of wood:|:
A mighty wind did blow early last night .A tornado did touch down about 10-12 miles from here, leveled a barn and damaged a house .Thankfully noone was hurt .

The storm sirens were blasting away as I watched from inside the house at 100 foot oaks swaying 10 feet at the top from the wind .I can well imagine that more than likely Tom will be busy for at least a few days over this .
Rain and wind today and thundershowers this evening. May 30 and I was wearing a belaclava for part of the day. I can't wait to complain about the heat and humidity. Stupid weather.
Summer is here in the sun at least 95, good bye Spring Hello Blood sweat and a few tears if need be.