What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Worst weather I worked in was -10 at noon, high winds, and a little snow. Chipping brush, the chipper kept messing up, I guess the Duetz couldn't keep it's oil warm enough or something. Was working with a guy from Quebec. I thought he was going to strip down to a T-shirt. He must have had some pulp wooding experience. He pulled brush like a small draft animal.
I got a kick out of the news last night.

Nice Pictures. Those news guys make me laugh sometimes as well. Tonight they said today was the hottest day of the year, I think they forgot about Tuesday.

It's been a hot week, cooled down a bit tonight but it's going to get real hot tomorrow and Saturday.
I was plowing from 5am Tuesday to 8pm Wednesday, had a two hourr nap in there somewhere. Like Larry, we had 20" with 50mph wind here as well and the drifts were up to four feet. Tuesday night it was lightning while it was snowing, it was quite an experience. I remember I was going down a six lane road while I couldn't see shit thinking I was in the far right lane, I see headlights coming and I find out I am in the far left on coming lane. Just crazy. I managed to lose my voice, and also put a small pin hole in my gas tank. I will have to check that out later this week, because I still have more plowing to do today.
Double you plus a bit, no cloud.

It's been over 100F all week, 108 about 12pm when I came inside. I've been working but it's Saturday and I gave in. Turned the AC on, first time in years. Had to vacuum it first, full of spider webs.
I'm a tellin ya what V ,those Keys look better every winter .I'd have to hit the lottery to afford to live there but anything is possible .:)
Here ya go, Al!

Sell everything, buy one of these and hit the road!

I'm thinking 94-95. 38 feet 10 inch Newmar Kountry Star 44,000 miles ,never smoked in .275 or 300 HP turbo charged intercooled Cummins .Spartan mountain master chassis ,Six speed Alison with over drive .Tow package ,premium sound ,diesel generater .Single 16 foot slide out.Tub ,shower ,convection micro wave .New rubber roof ,new tires with 2 round trips to central Florida or around 5 thousand miles on them .New chassis batteries but due for a set of coach batteries which are around 200 bucks .

When not in use it's sat in my shop out of the weather .My pap bought it in 96 I believe

As is ,where is 36 thousand cash .New it's over 200 grand .
71 and a light sprinkle here, just enough to get the streets wet. There will be more than a few fender benders on the 6pm news tonight.
I do believe it's layed down 5 inchs of snow since this morning .Fluffy stuff thank heavens .

It was snowing so hard when I did the driveway with the old now repaired Fergusen I could hardly see where I was going . It has not let up all day .Just slows down a bit then gets right back at it .

If it keeps up all night it will indeed be up to that tall Indians buttocks .I'm a thinking though the Indian was smart and high tailed it to Florida before all this stuff hit .:)
71 and a light sprinkle here, just enough to get the streets wet. There will be more than a few fender benders on the 6pm news tonight.

That never ceases to amaze me,the slightest rain and people wreck like crazy, oh wait they do that even when its nice out, especially on I-4.
No wonder I was hot last night, hottest February night on record. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/02/06/3131055.htm?section=justin

Wow! Why the aversion to climate control?

That was an unusual week. Sydney has a natural AC system, most late afternoons we get a cool breeze. 8)

If that doesn't happen for a few days we get a Southerly Buster. It came today about 3pm, dropped from 95F down to 69F in about 20 minutes.

Short description: http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~ll118/en/development/types.list.southerlybuster.html

Long one: http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/pbaines/baines_x1980a.pdf