What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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22(-1) and 14mph steady wind. About like yesterday but we got some big gusts that were brutal... and of the 2250' of lights I hung, about half failed to light. Brand new 'high end professional' xmas lights. Bullshit, more crap from China is all it is. The brand new outlet headers (also from China) had mostly defective sockets and had to be tossed.

It just goes to show you, capitalism as we do it doesn't make anything better, only cheaper. At this point most proiducts don't even have to work, they only have to sell. (sorry I'm always on that soapbox but it just bothers me what kind of world my kids are going to live in.)
Here on 56'th paralell Kristianstad/south Sweden it is a lot of ice as it was warm a couple day's so snow started to melt a bit.
Right now it is -15c (around 5 F?) here and a little wind, as usual.
Right now about 7 hrs dayligt. In north Sweden they have about 3hrs day light today.
In for a tad colder weather this weekend.

We are highly effected by Baltic sea here. Cold sea lots of Ice usually mean a hell of a winter.
Not so much Ice yet so we might be lucky this year, but I am short on firewood so I suspect it will be a long, cold winter!
Actually looked like Kodiak here this AM, then there was a tornado up north!

We just had like that pic I posted a while back.. Tops of the mountains shrouded with clouds... Low enough so you could see how fast the wind was pushing them.... Big rain drops. Ground is getting good and saturated. If the winds come up again like that one storm, we should see some wind blown black oak and pine. More clean up
70 degrees yesterday with light winds, 66 today with light winds. Forecast is for 57 tomorrow becoming windy and 40% chance of snow Wed night/Thursday with a Thursday high in the 30s.
Crazy here, Friday it was -34C, tonight it's up to 34F with the wind howlin'. Just nuts, I think I have everything from sandles to pack boots in the truck!
Brett, when we had -16C last month I made sure to check the car and the truck for freezables... IE first aid kit contents and the like. Now we are in winter mode so the vehicles have a decent blanket, boots and winter clothes, collapsible shovel, some munchies, flashlight etc, never know when you are going to get stuck in the snow! http://www.thespec.com/news/local/a...ists-rescued-in-sarnia-hwy-402-remains-closed
Paul, I prefer -20 in any scale to 90F and 100%RH. You can dress for the cold, but after your 50 you can only take so much off in the heat!:O
I thought it said 51 degrees this morning, but I guess I was looking through the wrong part of my bifocals.....it was 5.1 instead.
Supposed to rain and possibly snow here tonight....... Rain through the weekend... I am taking some time off unless it is an emergency.. I was supposed to go to ski school orientation tomorrow. That may be canceled due to weather.
Snow has finally stopped for a few days, they say. We have had a couple of weeks of it. Lows below 0, highs in the low teens and sunny for a few days. Normal !!!
Just spitting a little snow now and then .Looks to be maybe 3 inchs on the ground .Temp in the teens at night ,mid 20's day time .

Like an idiot I froze my geothermal up the other day from not paying attention but no harm done ,thank heavens .