What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

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Short lived glowing thing... Clouded over by 11am... Rain by 1 pm.
Pouring rain currently at 9 PM
Supposed to be too warm for snow at the elevation we are supposed to work (try again job) tomorrow. This will remain to be seen .... May be still raining in the AM. We shall see.
Rain on snow and all the world is a mud puddle. We are putting on new blades on the chipper that's just barely backed into my garage far enough to be out of the rain.
Below freezing here this morning. I don't know how the rest of you deal with this chit all winter. :big-freeze:

At least we will have a high of 55 this afternoon.
It was in the teens early this AM . Skiff of snow,just a dusting .

--and no B. ,in spite of living in the north most of my life I still don't care much for this frozen chit .Just keep on keepen on I guess .
The heat doesn't bother me very much, seeing as how our temperatures rarely get more than 15 degrees above comfortable (78 to 93). But when it gets cold, temperatures that are 30-40 degrees out of my comfort zone are difficult to deal with (70 to 30). My body can compensate for a fifteen degree difference but this morning I completely lost all feeling in my fingertips and had to come down and sit in the truck for 10 minutes to thaw my hands out enough to hold the saw. I don't know how y'all do it.
That would be 15 degrees above comfortable for a Floridian, Brian.
Working in that would kill your average Dane really fast;)
I saw on the news that alot of the strawberry and citrus growers are worried about the low temps in FLA.

I don't mind the cold so much, in fact its has been in the low 30's the past few days and I still haven't worn more than a t-shirt and a hoodie.
It's like everything else, you just get used to it Brian. The first couple of cold snaps, 30's, and we bitch and moan about it. Then we get hit with the teens and are just acclimated. Then the times we get a day in the 50's we are out in T-shirts because it's so much nicer than it was!
44 right now, but it's going to start dropping the rest of the night with rain/sleet and snow coming in, then back up to 60 tomorrow. Crazy weather!
Here ya go Brian...come on out for a visit, we can go for a spin :D.


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The hardest part about working in the winter for me is trying to manage sweating. I can be as snug as a bug in a rug when its 0 degrees, but then I will start sweating and trying to stay on top of taking a layer off/on can be a pita.
Then you take a layer off and change what you are doing, not working as hard or more in the wind, and you have to scramble to put it back on.
The native peoples of Alasaka ,The Inuits are probabely to most adept in living in cold climates on the planet .They know a heavy sweat session is a death sentence in the extreme cold .

One of their secrets is the type parka they wear I think called an anorak or something like that .Because of it's design it can let excess heat out while holding warmth in because it's loose fitting .

A little tip I've found having no anorak is a warm vest .To keep the torso warm then the rest of the body does pretty well and you can expel heat through the arms etc in case you over heat. I must admit though every winter I look foward to with less enthusiasm than the last .If I had the money I'd move right in next to V in the keys for the winter .Of course about hurricane time I'd have to move on down the road farther inland .
I wouldn't plague you all year ,just when it's colder than a well diggers ass up here in the frozen tundra .About 3 1/2 months would do it .

I could drink beer and fish with no bait on the hook .;)