What Did Ya'll Have For Dinner Tonight?

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Smoker grilled zucchini and boneless skinless chicken breasts, brown rice. No salad, as we are out of most fresh produce at the moment, so we had home canned applesauce from the pantry :). Will head into town to the grocery store first part of next week...it's been almost three weeks since last trip.
Barramundi fillet, chips and home grown broccoli. Glad it's growing ok, getting a bit sick of spinach and kale.

I've been following Dave's quest, hope it turns out ok.

Ordered 10 lbs of Buckwheat Pancake mix out of NC. :)

Haven't had pancakes for years but looked up buying it here and it's mostly out of stock, but buckwheat flour is easy enough to get so might try the old way if I get time.
Hummous and a spinach, bell pepper smoothie with a dash of Habanero hot sauce to perk it up.

Looking forward to being able to chew again, I must say.
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Finally tried my turkey spam. Cut it in cubes, fried it, then put it in canned Caribbean rice and beans with some hot sauce. It's alright, but a little bland. It doesn't have the greasy goodness of traditional spam, but I'll get it again if there's another spam shortage.
Black bean soup served over red rice (that's a mix of rice and stewed tomato common to some parts of the deep south USA...to do it true to it's origins, you have to toss in a tablespoon or two of bacon fat :D).
Sweet! I’ve been craving some campfire chow. Maybe a steak done over some cherry or apple coals. S’mores for dessert? Try making a s’more with a Reese’s cup instead of plain chocolate sometime. You’re welcome ;)

Deli sliced ham and chicken, some pepperoni, Colby and pepperjack cheese. Maybe some cashews and walnuts too. Back on keto diet for the past week. Gained 10 lbs of body fat since this quarantine thing started.
Fried chicken. Same thing I had for lunch. Stopped in walmart on the way back from a job(11am weekday is the time to go around here apparently. No crowd!), and picked up some cat food. Against my better judgement, I bought a fried chicken. Walmart can be pretty iffy. It ranges from decent to terrible, but never as good as royal farms which is next door, but I didn't feel like stopping at. Turned out to be decent today. Ate half for lunch, and ate the other half for dinner. Good use of $6 imo.
Gnocchi with gorgonzola sauce and since the asparagus field next to my property has finally found out that it is spring; about a pound of barely dead ( I picked them 10 minutes before starting dinner) asparagus.
I put them in a plastic bag, added some extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper, shook the bag and put them under the broiler in the oven.
My favourite way of doing asparagus.
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We like broiling asparagus similarly.

But different :). We use canola oil...love olive oil, but have read many sources that suggest heating olive oil to these temps is a bad thing.

Anyway...I spray a flat cookie sheet with canola (comes in a pressurized bottle here) just lightly. Lay the raw asparagus out on the sheet, spray a bit of the canola over the top, then sprinkle with dry granulated garlic, and slide under the broiler for about 6-7 minutes...adjust less or more depending on the thickness of the asparagus stems.

The salt and pepper are applied at table, to each diner's preference.
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Canola oil os something I buy in 50 gallon drums for the saws.
As clumsy as I am, it probably won't be carcinogenic overheated olive oil that kills me.
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Olive oil is the only oil I get for cooking. I particularly like my grilled cheese fried in it. I use canola in my saws for winter use.
Asparagus and gnocchi again.
The asparagus season is short here. With a field next to my house and carte blache to pick what we can eat, it'll be asparagus the next month.

When we did our company motorcycle trip to the swiss alps, we went to a restaurant for lunch every day.
One just happened to be a high end restaurant.'
The price was excorbitant, but the food made it well worth it, at least for me.
They had a fixed meny for lunch.
So the guys had something with chicken abortions in it, and I told the waiter that I don't eat stuff like that.
No worry, he said ( Actually: "Keine problem").
So I got asparagus and gnocchi fried with a bit of green stuff on top.
It was soooooo good, that both carnivores were going: " Why didn't we get that".

So, I have been fiddling with that ever since.
Heat a big skillet, toss the asparagus into the hot olive oil, meanwhile have a pot of boiling water ready for the gnocchi.
Cook the gnocchi, then toss them in with the asparagus.
When the asparagus are done, toss in a huge bunch of arugula or spinach, add some lemon juice and grated parmesan cheese.


I don't think it's an issue of carcinogens, Stig. Just that the flavor changes for the worse...in some people's opinion. I really don't know, and often use it in a skillet, just not the broiler.
I tried this:

More lemon would be good, but the mail order bride loved them.
That is the thing about the german-swiss, you can't go wrong with serving them potatoes.

Did a Tzatziki too, since we were going Greek.