Zucchini and summer squash... cut in half, scrape out centers or carve centers (dish out) with spoon. Save unless too seedy. I also chunked up about 4 more not skinned but young so they did not need it. Just to supplement.
Cook off some Jimmy Dean or good sausage (one pound for this batch) Let cool.
One large onion
Two large bell pepper
2 TBS of chopped garlic
Food processor the onion, bell pepper and garlic to almost a paste.
Same with what you saved back of squash innards ...
Place in mixing bowl with about 10 eggs beaten. (Approx 2 eggs per pound)
Pepper to taste, salt to taste..
tsp of thyme.
(I have also tried this with oregano and basil in different batches

Grate about 1LB of cheese into the bowl. (mozzarella or in this case cheddar)
Also 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan.
Two sleeves of ritz crackers through the processor (crumbs)
Add bread crumbs as you mix it until you can make lumps (not runny and not terribly dry) All together..
Melt a cube of salted butter.
Grate some more cheese for topping.
Preheat oven to 350
Fill and heap the mix into each squash...
top with cheese and sprinkle bread crumbs.
lightly baste with butter
sprinkle paprika for color..
Bake for about an hour or so until the squash base is al dente.

Bake for about an hour or so.. Just until the squash base is al dente.