That tray looks really short, you get a lot more with a cab over. I'd never buy anything else, but I know they aren't popular there. Nick is happy with his though.
Anyone ever put an abortec box or similar dump box on an f350? or worked with one? Have a chance to buy a f350 thats a good deal and move my box over. I currently have it on a older model ford super duty(early 90's) that is very tired. Just worried it might not work out well. Still have to take some measurement to see if it even fits. I have a 12 foot box. F450/550 is harder to find in my area in decent shape.
I've used an 4 door F350 with an arbortec box on it. Did surprising well, but I think that guy went through several trannies... probably held about 10 yards and was an older morbark chipper, maybe 5-6k lbs.
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