Treemen, the calender. TreeHouse giveaway!

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  • #26
In the drawing:

The Branch Doctor

Not in the drawing:

Top Hopper
Everyone else who doesn't post by 12:00 midnight, EST ;)

I would like to be in the drawing. And I would like to buy one or two In case I lose.

Could have had everyone donate some cash for the "chance" to win the Calendar. Then you could give the money to the family.

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  • #30
You're welcome! I'm just relieved I don't have to ship it to Canada, I've never done that before. Was worried I'd have to hire a homing pigeon of something.:P

Holy Cow! I have never won anything!!!

Can I at least pay you for the shipping?

sweet, im gonna send your address to all the mail order places for beating me out!
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  • #33
sweet, im gonna send your address to all the mail order places for beating me out!


Scott, I'll take care of shipping. I've copied your address, you might want to edit that out before sotc starts sending you invitations to PETA or something.;)
Lol, good on ya for the drawing.

And yah I'm a sore loser too so that address will come in handy for my revenge!:P
There ya go, Already edited it. But if any of the internet psychos want to tangle with two Shar Peis who stopped being cute at 3 months, and a crazy wife with a 20 gauge shot gun, have at it.

I am really Glad I won the calendar, I have already sent emails to the Photography lady about buying one. I am really looking forward to getting it.


Just found the thread. Dave, do you have an address for the fund? I know usually a bank or something takes care of things like this. Seems like we as individuals could send a 'gift' to the fund if we so desired. I dont care for a calendar, but will contribute. Thanks,
Hey Okie,

Before I won I sent out emails to the lady about doing just what you proposed. Here is the response I got from her...

And this is her email [email protected]
Hey Scott!
>> I can definately send you a Calendar! If you could send me your address
>> I
>> can put it in the mail today. I don't have paypal set up but you can
>> send
>> a check made out to Josephine Kozaka for $24, $20 for the calendar and
>> $4
>> for shipping. My address is 46 Foote Ave Canaan CT 06018. Where did you
>> hear about the calendar? Thanks!
>> Take Care,
>> Sarah
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  • #42
Okie, I guess that answers your question. As for answering Sarah's question, I knew Rafe, and also worked for Whalen Nursery, as well as Barrett Tree Service.
Well, not exactly. If there is a trust fund set up for the little one at a bank that is set up for future education or what not, Id rather put into that than help put smokes in moms purse. Is Josephine the widow or executor or just who is she?
Sorry, I do not know the deal for sure. But if you contact sarah, I am sure she could tell you where she sends the money.

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  • #45
Josephine is the daughter, and the money goes into a fund for her future use. It is not currently available, as I understand it.
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  • #46
I got a big arsed envelope tonight, and will get it sent off on Monday.
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  • #48
Wow, that was fast, just mailed it Saturday. I guess the PO wants my business.:/: I ran into one of the guys in the calender today, John, from Whalen nursery (where I used to work) and mentioned the calendar.:lol: