Tree Machine's Shotline Winder

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I don't see an edit button on the posts either. If there was an edit button I could repost the pictures I put on.
I think if you look around guys you'll see that Butch is trying to learn what he can do to solve these problems. It's not something that he wants either, I'm sure he didn't change those settings like that on purpose. As I understand it he's going to be paying a tech to help sort some of these issues. Shoot we have all enjoyed this forum for free if we choose to, and for a contribution if we've chosen to donate. Butch has footed the bill and kept things running on his own.

This is a huge setback no doubt but let's give Butch the benefit of the doubt here he created the House and I'm sure will do everything he can to keep it running properly.

I say it's times like these were we need to step up and say yah this sucks how can we help fix it.
I appreciate this forum too and that's why I help support it by making a donation every January. If everyone would donate even a small amount like $35 yearly [more if you can afford it], that is less than 10 cents a day to hang out with the greatest bunch of tree guys in the world.
Hey, TM...I suspect something got crossed up with the donation "thank you"...when I have donated, he has been prompt to say "Thanks" with a personal PM.

I share your angst and frustration at losing all that pictorial info. Once in awhile, I will snag a pict and put it in my archives, but mostly I just figured I could do a search someday for whatever picts I needed and they would be there.

Your comment about fixing a database problem by deleting some of the info is well made. It may be that was the only way to save some of the info but it sure is a loss.

It sounds like there are several ideas percolating about how to recover from the mishap...we'll have to see what the Boss comes up with.

I'm fixing to make my donation soon...gotta figure out how PayPal works again...I almost never use it and have to get my password again.
I'm fixing to make my donation soon...gotta figure out how PayPal works again...I almost never use it and have to get my password again.

Good news...MB made it easy. When I went to the "PayPal donate button" the option to use VISA (or other cards) came up, too.

I donated with day I'll try to figure out my PayPal account again.

Thanks, MB, for your constant attention. Keep us posted as to how we can help.
Thanks Gary. You can fix your PayPal problems by reregistering using another email address.

And Jim I don't know what to say other than I'm not perfect. And I'm not the one who opted to delete the database, that was Funkys doing. And I'm sorry if I didn't thank you for your donation. I greatly appreciate the support ya'll give the TH thru donations and sponsors are my favorite people in the world. So I know it's late but "Thanks for your donation, Jim!" :beer:
Jim, I think you need to get a grip. On the one hand you say you have contibuted to the TreeHouse, but in the next sentence you say you didn't get 'thanked'.

Whats up with that? :?

contributed contribute |kənˈtribyoōt; -byət|
verb [ trans. ]
give (something, esp. money) in order to help achieve or provide something : he contributed more than $500,000 to the center | [ intrans. ] she contributed to a private pension.
• [ intrans. ] ( contribute to) help to cause or bring about : gases that contribute to global warming.
• supply (an article) for publication : he contributed articles to the magazine | [ intrans. ] the staff who contribute to your sports pages are doing a splendid job.
• [ intrans. ] give one's views in a discussion : he did not contribute to the meetings.

I really feel that you are assuming an attitude which is unwarranted.

I suggest you take a moment and reflect on what it must take to host a web forum.
Picture yourself doing this and ask yourself: Can I do a better job? Be honest!
I threw a few bucks in yesterday, there was a polite thanks in my PM box within 24 hours.

It sucks mightily that the pics got deleted but if that was the way to continue then there really isnt much to gain complaining about it. I lost ALL my pics from april to august of 07 due to a drive failure, a lot of them that I liked I had posted up, my bad twice over for being lazy and not retrieving them before the database failure. :(

guess I gotta go make new memories! 8)
you have people hired to keep things running and tidy. My problem is the dude who, by his own words, projects outwardly that he kicked some ass and fixed the problem. he just deleted the entire database and calls it good.

I have no "people hired." Funky and Doc (Funky is a pseudowebmaster) are my friends and they do all the work on this site for free. Funky is a super busy mofo and I'm glad he takes the time to look at these forum problems when they arise.
This problem is beyond Funky's level of expertise, so I'm paying for some phone tech support. I won't have access to them until later in the week, and I sure hope that solves the problem. Additionally, I found out that I was running an expired out of date version of this forum, so I renewed the license for another year.
And from what Funky told me, HE didn't delete the database - it was screwed already. That was why we couldn't post attachments. He merely restored it to make it work again. I hope to find out from the tech why that crap happened in the first place.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
Both gifts he sent back with a thank you note and that he had his own way of doing things. That is true, no doubt. I could tell by the way I had reeled it up, it had not even been used.

The reel is a very clever solution for storing throwline. After using it several times for short and long shots I decided that it didn't work into my scheme. Instead of having the reel sit on my shelf unused I sent it back so that it could stay in circulation.

Using two cubes, the first one is one of the original 80 some prototypes that were used to perfect the design and the other is a Sherrill version, I prefer to use them. They deploy the line fine and I can store more throwline in less volume.

Keep up the creative solutions!