There is simply no way to say which will be more or less comfortable for you, or for anyone else, until you yourself ride them both. Saddles are just such a personal fit thing that no one elses' experience will give you the slightest bit of insight into what will be best for you.
I've climbed in a lot of different harnesses, but not near all that are available...and that's been a moving target for as long as I've been climbing...over 40 years now

. The last 20 years much more so than the previous 20.
Most worked fine for me, and a few didn't. I love my Sequoia, and find it comfortable in nearly all applications. Only my old custom built New Tribe holds a candle. But I will just about guarantee that someone soon will post here that they had completely different experiences with both of these saddles. I can think of another New Tribe model I tried, and found sucked for me, in comparison to my custom model (which was fairly close to their once upon a time standard ProClimber model they put out several years after I ordered mine).
That's just the way it is with some climbing gear, and saddles are probably at the top of the list in that respect.